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Lilly's pov:
Was that Jai? What was he doing here
"ugh!" I'm so confused
"Lilly shut up and come back inside!" Daniel yelled out of his window.
I slowly walked inside while glancing back at the now empty street
I went upstairs in my room and climbed on my bed,


It's literally been 3 hours and I can't go to sleep I've been tossing and turning but I just can't seem to get Jai out of my mind.
I would've been in Daniels bed waking him up but he's mad at me and I don't know what to do now....
Ooh let me call Rachel she never sleeps at this time
"Hey Rachel! It's me Lilly"
"Oh hi"
"Did i wake you up" I asked
"Uh yea it's 1 in the morning what would you expect me to be doing"
"Oh sorry it's just cause you're never asleep at this time and I can't sleep so I thought you were up"
"Well I got to go I'm really tired" she tiredlessly said while hanging up

"Ugh! Then who the fuck is awake she's the only one out of everyone to be awake at this time" I said to myself
"Oh yea Evan!" I almost yelled while dialing his number
"Hey!" I excitedly said since he actually answered
"Well what do you need" he laughed
"Oh I just can't sleep and Rachel doesn't wanna talk to me so I don't have anyone else to talk to except you"
"Who's Rachel"
"My best friend but she didn't come to school today so I don't think you've met her"
"Can't wait to meet her then"
"Anyways what are you doing up this late" I asked
"Oh nothing just thinking about you"
'Did I hear him right'
"Hahah it's a joke my aunt finally picked up my cousin. I had to babysit him right after you left"

"Oh that makes more sense" I laughed
"Can I tell you something" he quietly asked
"Yea sure what is it"
"Are you getting weird text from somebody"

Evans pov:
The day I met Lilly at the mall when I got back home somebody sent me pictures of us talking then at the parking lot when I hugged her. And today the person sent pictures of when I was in her room hugging her

"No only my friends have texted me today why?"
"Cause there's this person that's sending me pictures of when I first met you at the mall and when I came over today" I informed her
"Wait so they took pictures of us when we were in my room?"
"Yea so if I were you I'd close your curtains its probably some old pedophile"
"Evan, do you ever take things serious" she laughed
"If I have to, but hold on someone's texting me"

I put her on speaker just in case she said anything and opened the text.
It was from the same person who was sending me the pictures.
I looked at what he sent me and they were from today when Lilly was at my house.
"Uhh Lilly"
"Yes Evan"
"This person apparently is following you... or us cause he just sent me pictures of when you came over too and somehow he even got pictures of us when we were in the basement."
"What the hell! Why would someone follow us and whys the basement so important"
"The windows in the basement are really small so you'd have to like basically open the window to get a picture that's this clear"
"You still there?" I asked

"Y-yea but I think I know who it is I'll asked one of my friends to talk to him and see if it is him"
"Who do you think it is"
"Jai, I saw him today behind the tree that's near my rooms window"
"Wh-why would he even do that"
"I don't know I would ask him myself if he would just stop running and ignoring me"
"When you said he's the jealous type I didn't know he was this type of jealous"
"So did I... but aye I have to go my eyes are starting to burn so I'm gonna go to bed"
"Alright goodnight"
"Goodnight" she said while ending the call.

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