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Jack's pov:
After a while of talking Ty finally got up and said "guys I'm gonna go check on her she's been in there for a really long time"
As he was walking Alex,Derek,Drake and I were all whistling and howling as if we were outside so one of the employees came up to us and said "I need you kids to stop being so loud or I'm gonna have to kick you out"

We all looked at each other confused cause she looked like she was about 14 or 15. "Don't mind me asking but how old are you" Lilly said being dead serious.
The girl sighed and face palmed herself before leaving us with a bunch of questions going through our little minds.
After an hour of talking and laughing at the ice cream place Rachel and Ty left early probably to finish some business and Derek,Drake and Alex went in Ty's car cause Rachel took Lilly's and plus I wasn't gonna let them take my car.

Right now I was driving Lilly home and we didn't really catch up with each other we just talked about things that are happening now.
"Uh Lilly do you wanna go somewhere tomorrow or Friday cause we didn't really get to know what's going on in each other's life's anymore?" I laughed
"Ya sure but by ourselves right cause I don't think we can talk as much if Rachel or anyone else is around"

"Ok but where should we go and when" I asked
"Umm...GIOVANNI'S!" She screamed
I covered my ears till she finished screaming and I said "what is that place?"
She looked at me as if I was crazy and answered my question.

"How dare you not know what Giovanni's Pizza place is..... Well it's the best pizza place they're pizza taste like HEAVEN and I don't say that about all pizzas. You know how I am over my pizza."
"Yes you Love your pizza very very much"
"Let's go there Friday so we can stay out late" she insisted
"Ok but here is the end of our're house. Is right. Here!" I said while parking on her driveway

"Oh you're not coming in?"
"I didn't know if you wanted me to"
"Shut the hell up you used to always come over. Actually you always barged in. So your coming inside" she laughed
"Ok then I guess I'm coming in"

Jai's pov:
When I got out of detention my demon whispered to me that Lilly was with some guy that she might like.

So I got really mad and didn't know what to do so me and the boys (including James) decided to go to Daniels house. Which is a great opportunity for me to see who this guy is.

After an hour of messing around I saw a car park in the drive way but no one came out for a few minutes but then Lilly came out looking happy. Then some guy that looked like one of the schools football players got out also.

When they walked towards the front door and I acted as if I never even saw them coming in.
When she came in she looked at everyone but then noticed that I was here, her smile turned into a frown then she locked her jaws. I sent her a small smile but she didn't return it she turned around going upstairs while pulling the guy with her.

As she was walking up James was coming down so they stopped to let one go but she just stared at him for a while and the guy stood there awkwardly. "Uh um h-hi James" she choked out as if she was gonna cry.
James looked down and said "hi" in a low and sad voice then continued walking down when she didn't say anything else.

"Lilly are you ok?" Asked the guy
"Y-ya I'm ok,come on let's go" she croaked while continuing walking upstairs
After 10 minutes of waiting for Daniel to finish cooking I've been questioning Skip about the guy and turns out they've been best friends for a while now so I don't have anything to worry about other than James he's really sad about the kissing thing. And ya he asked me when I got back from detention, I had to tell him it's not like he was never gonna find out.
"Guys food is finally done" Daniel said proud of what he made.
None of us waited for Daniel to come to the table we already started to fill our plates up.

But then Jack came down casually saying "uh I came to get our food but Lilly didn't feel like coming,so she said to get it for her"
Daniel nodded and got a plate for Lilly cause none of us know what she likes to eat and Jack was making himself a plate.
As everyone was eating I saw Daniel and Jack throwing glances at each other as if saying something but I didn't care cause it's there business. After they finished doing that Jack took both plates and went upstairs to Lilly's room.

Lilly's pov:
When I saw James I couldn't help but feel guilty cause I know I'm the reason he's sad.
Right when we got to my room Jack asked what was wrong but I shrugged it off and went to my bathroom really quick just to change.

When I got out Jack was of course looking through my drawers looking for candy. "Jaaack" I cooed from behind him making him jump while putting his hand over his heart and said "holy shit Lilly stop scaring me it's the second time today" I started laughing at how dramatic he was being but was disturbed by Luke and beau yelling at James saying "CHEER UP MATE DONT BEAT YOURSELF OVER HER"

I then just frowned again and sat on my bed.
"Lilly were you two dating?" Jack asked quietly
"No but I'm pretty sure we were about to" I said whispering the last part hoping he didn't hear.

"Aww do you wanna talk about it" he asked while sitting next to me in bed.
"No it's ok" I lied
"Come on please you said you wanted to catch up on each other's life's right?" He asked begging
"Ok fine but we're doing it the old fashioned way"
Which means we're both tucked in bed while I sob out my problems basically
"Deal" he said while kicking his shoes and shirt off leaving himself only in a white tank top.

"Ok so when we first went on a date we kissed and you know Jai the scary looking one,ya he saw us I know this cause when I got home after like 20 minutes he knocked on the door asking me about how the date went even though it was like really late. So then he said did you guys kiss I of course ignored the question but then he got mad I tried kicking him, he wouldn't leave
And kept getting closer than he kissed me and left" I rambled

"That's it but it wasn't even your fault he kissed you by surprise" he said defending me as if it's gonna make a difference.

"No that not it there was a second time where I ditched school with him and I asked him to kiss me......and I liked it" I said guiltily
He gasped silently and said "how do they know each other"
"They're sorta best friends but James of course isn't gonna choose his friend over me" I admitted

We both stayed quiet for a moment till I started crying for no reason at all.
*gasp* "Lilly babe why are you crying?" He asked
"I-I do-don't know" I cried
"Aww it's ok at least your not keeping it in that'll make you feel even worse"
After crying for a long time and jack comforting me I got tired and just laid in jacks arms in silence while my eyes were getting heavier by the minute.
Instead of battling with my self whether I should or shouldn't sleep I decided to sleep but then hot disturbed by Daniel yelling for us to get the food.

"Jack babe can you get my food for me please"
"Ya sure" he said while kissing me wet cheeks before he went.

While he went I started thinking about what James was doing now and if we would ever talk again.
I know we've only known each other for a few weeks but I feel attracted to him as weird as it sounds.

After thinking for a few minutes I noticed someone come in and of course I thought it was Jack so I said "Jack what took you so long I've been crying for an hour with an empty stomach. Your lucky I didn't sleep"
I looked up and saw that it was Luke.
I jumped up wiping my tears from my face and said "L-Luke what are you doing here?"

"Well it's really awkward and I was in the other room the whole time so I could hear everything and you made me feel bad for you...and now I'm here." He said standing at the door awkwardly

"Oh well come in" I said while patting the empty spot on my bed.
He came in and sat down next to me.
When he sat down there was an awkward silence for a few seconds

"Listen Lilly i just came to tell you that James Really likes you and he's pretty sad and pissed
but can you please apoligize. I hate seeing him like this"

"K i'll think about it" i said while hugging him cause he still hasn't eaten yet and decided to come and talk to me.

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now