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Lillys pov:
After 5 minutes Evan showed up at the front door and helped me into the car
I'm not drunk I'm just a bit tipsy
"Apparently Jai has a surprise for me"
"Yea I know, I saw it"

I got out of the car and ran inside the house while stumbling over my own feet. Once I got inside I called for Jai but he didn't answer so I went upstairs to my room.
I assumed he was in there but didn't see him until I looked around the room and spotted a figure in my bed. "Jai is that you?" I said and pulled the covers off to have the body jump up.

"NO, ITS JAMES FROM AUSTRALIA".... James yelled with his hands open..... wait James is dead,
"SURPRISE" Jai yelled coming out of the bathroom I looked at the both of them and fell on my knees sobbing into my hands
"I-I thought yo-you were dead, an-and the-there wasn't a funeral.. why.. n-no bo-body nothing..... how are you here!" I rambled
"No no I'm not dead, I never was I just..... lets just say took a vacation" he hugged me and started leaving kisses all over my now wet face
"Jai y-you knew a-all along and didn't tell m-me!"
"I didn't know.. I swear, I found out last week" he slowly said while joining us on the floor
"Look all your makeup is running" Jai said while wiping away the halloween makeup off
"I missed you so- much" I sobbed while hugging him
"I missed you too" he whispered into my ear

James pov:
I'm finally back alive and Lilly actually missed me. Didn't think that would happened since she was caught up in Jai.
But anyways I grew a beard and I don't like it
I stood up and said
"Come here, lets wash away that makeup of yours , its creeping me out"
She qui kly wiped her tears and stood up with the help of Jai
She let go of Jai and intertwined our fingers together
As I walked into her bathroom I remembered to ask her
"Why does your room wreak of cigarettes"
"I-I don't know"
"So you don't smoke" I asked
She shook her head and turned the sink on
"Let me smell your breath"
"Not now"
She started scrubbing her face to ignore my question and so I left tge bathroom and started talking to Jai

"Is she ok, when did she start smoking"
"Chill. She's ok and she just started smoking this month"
"Why" I asked
"Cause she wants to smoke"
"So there isn't a persinal reason" I asked again
"No there isn't"
"I can't wait to meet the rest of the guys. How's Luke"
"The same and so is everyone else so don't ask me" he demanded
When I opened my moutg to say something Lilly opened the bathroom door and sat on her bed
"Can we catch up....on everything"
"Su-sure" I stuttered getting nervous
I sat on her bed and Jai stood there awkwardly
"I'm gonna go get Daniel from where ever he is"
"Ok, we'll be here" Lilly said

Jais pov:
Great. Now that James is back Lillys is ginna start liking him again then leave me and then there will be lots of drama and fights
I already asked Evan where Daniel was so once I got there I didn't really wanna party but when I walked in the party was lit as fuck and so I found Daniel and started partying and drinking with him.
****2 hours later****
I think I'm drunk or I'm really intoxicated.... wait that's the same thing
"Daniel.... coome oon lets g-go back home" I slurred
"Fiinne b-ut I didn't.. tell Lilly" he hiccuped
"Lets tell her noww"
He nodded and we somehow managed to get to the car without falling
"I'm too drunkk to drive... y-you do it" I said

**** skip car ride ****
We got to Steves house safely and when we knocked on the door we sorta fell asleep on the doorstep
But soon enough the door opened and we fell inside the house and landed on someones feet
"Oh hii James"
"James?... he's baack" Daniel asked
Daniel quickly stood up and hugged him
"I mi-missed you" he hiccuped
"Same here I missed you all so much"
I got off the floor and stumbled my way up the stairs and into Lillys room
She's sleeping, she also looks comfortable I'm gonna sleep next to her
I took my shoes and socks off along with my jeans then layed next to her and snuggled up to her side
"Jai? What are you doing here" she asked as she layed her head into my chest
"I wanna sleep"
"Ok..... you smell bad"
"I'll showerr in a bit"
She nodded her head and went back to sleep
After 10 minutes I remembered that I had to shoot Daniel so I got up and took a quick shower so I wouldn't be as sleepy as I am right now

After my shower I put on new clothes and headed downstairs with my gun, metal six and lighter
"Hey Daniel.. come on"
"But I don't wanna die" he whined
"Woah woah woah, what are you guys talking about" James said
"To get rid of my demon I have to kill 6 people that sje loves and mark tgem with this" I explained holding up a metal six
"But, then there will only be 4 of us and no Daniel" he said on the verge of tears
"I know and I don't wanna do this but I really wanna get rid of this demon James, I've lived with it now for 6 years and I don't want it to ruin my life like it already has"
"And I'm willing to risk my life for Lilly and my best friend"
"Did you tell Beau I'm pretty sure he'll be the most affected"
"Yea he knows but I sent him a bunch of things that will get to him by tomorrow morning, also I wrote Lilly a long ass letter and stuck it onto tge fridge and I swear if one of you guys read it I will ride from the dead and suffocate you in your sleep" he laughed

"Alright lets go" I sad as we walked out of the house leaving James in the house knowing he'll start crying and making things harder for everyone
**In a random dark alley**
"Ok you know I love you and I'm doing this for the best of things right?"
"Yea I know, and I swear if you hurt my sister in anyway I'll make sure you die the minute she sheds a tear, but I still love you"
I cocked the gun and pointed it at his head but I couldn't shoot
"I-I can't shoot you"
"Just do it!" he yelled
"Close your eyes then"
He did as I said but I still couldn't shoot him knowing that I've spent half my life with him
I put my gun between my waist band and hugged him
"I'm gonna miss you"
"Me to, I love you mate with all my heart.... but stop crying and lets get this thing over with so I can go join my parents in heaven... or hell" he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek
Yea we can be gay sometimes theres nothing wrong with it
"Ok I'm gonna do it this time"
He nodded and shut his eyes
I aimed at his forhead
I threw the gun down and ran to his side as he fell down

I checked his pulse and thankfully there wasn't one
I don't want him to suffer I love this guy
I ignored my tears streaming down and pulled out the metal 6 and the lighter as I burned the six and connected it to his forehead I stroked his hair and closed his eyes
Hopefully I didn't do this for no reason
I picked his body up and hid it in a clean and safe spot then left

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