Chapter 87

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Lillys pov:
When I woke up the next morning I found myself in my bed on top of James and felt something leak down my arm and surprisingly it was blood...
I remember when I first cut myself, I was a depressed shit (That's what Daniel used to say) amd also it was over a guy so I guess I'm putting guys before myself

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom and with cold water started washing the blood off of my wrist till it felt frozen
I miss cuddling with James, but I feel wrong doing it now
I went back under my fluffy covers and heard some moving and talking outside my room
Evan's probably sleep walking again so I got off the bed to put him back inside his room but once I got to my door there was a note slipped under my door
I quickly picked it up and started reading it

Dear Lilly,
We are running away.. I don't know where but we are and it was Evans idea so don't be mad at me. Anyways call us when you see this
Love, Red

So they're leaving me.... yet another person is walking out of my life and this tome its not by death but by choice
I have to stop caring snd trusting people. I mean the only person thats came back so far is James and I'm pretty sure he's gonna be the only one
A tear escaped my eye so I quickly wiped it and went downstairs to the living room and layed on the couch while staring at the ceiling but seconds later I jumper up once I heard the door slowly open
"Lilly, what are you doing up so early" he asker whike his hand was on his heart, obviously startled by my presences
"My room got hot so I just came down here" I lied

"Ok well I'm gonna go shower then sleep" he simpy explained
"Alrig- wait can we talk first"
"Sure" he said while sitting down next to me
"Ok so.... I miss him" I admitted
"Who's him"
"Daniel, and you've been crying ever since I found out... like I miss his annoying voice, his comfort and- just his presences in general... I can't live without him Steve" I cried

He quickly wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me, but it only made me cry louder because
One: he uses the same cologne as Daniel
Two: the way his muscles wrap around me and suffocate me

"Its ok... you still have me, if that's ok with you" he asked
"Of course it is its just your always at work and if your not then you're at the club with your friends"
"Hey you're lucky, I haven't bought a girl over in a while, just for you"
"Oh well... thanks" I stifflled a laugh

"Ok well.. I'm gonna go take a shower then get some rest, which is what you should be doing also"
'F-fine but James is on m-my bed just to let you know" I hiccuped while walking upstairs and into my room.

Jais pov:

So far the guy that I share the cell (Big Mike) has been snoring for the past few hours and its getting in my nerved I just wann-
"Brooks! Get up"
My body immediately shot up in excitement and ran to the door
"Boy run at me once more like that and I won't hesitate to taser you"
"Sorry sorry" I quickly said while stepping back a bit

"Ok, I just came to say thag you have another court date next week, your sentence is probably getting shortend or extended" he informed me then left
They're expecting me to stay alive another week when they can just bail me out

But I already miss Lilly and its only been a day. I'm pretty sure she hasn't missed me, I mean she just found out that I killed her brother, dad and best friends.... did she really love me, or did she just say that to get me to shut up? We would've had sex by now.. we have had it but only once and that was WAYY before she said she loved me, and it was kinda rushed. When I get out of here I'm going to fuck her so hard she'll be soar for a couple weeks... Yea I'm gonna do just that, well only if she's still alive

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