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***Jack plays Francisco Lachowski***

James pov:
When I saw Lilly today I didn't want to talk to her cause I was still mad about her kissing Jai.

After school me and the rest of the guys went to the cabin like we always do and I wanted to ask Jai about it but he never showed up. So I texted him.

James👾:aye where are you ? We're waiting for you.
Jai🔫: I have detention. I'll meet up with you guys later.
James👾: oh ok.

After texting him I told everybody else and so we went out to get some hotdogs.
"Luke you cunt they don't know what mini dicks are!"
Everyone around us gave us dirty looks and some teens a bit younger were laughing.

"James come tell this old man what we want I can't call them by their real name" Luke said sounding ashamed

"Excuse me sir can we have 4 hotdogs please" I said trying to act nice.
After walking around the city for almost two hour we got bored and went back to the cabin cause Daniel reminded us about Jai.

Instead of going to the cabin we decided to sneak into the school and see if Jai is even in there.
When we finally arrived to the detention room my eyes first laid on Lilly but she didn't notice me staring cause she was busy drawing on her arm.

Then when Daniel and Beau spotted Jai they started yelling
"Ayy Jai were here to get you out come on but don't let your teacher see you!"
Immediately everyone's face turned to us including Lilly and the teacher.

Lilly looked at me and when she saw me looking she quickly turned around and continued drawing on her arm.
Next thing you know the teacher is rushing out trying to yell at us but Mr.Johnson only noticed me so he called my name but we kept running towards the door.

Lilly's pov:
After James and the rest if the guys left I glanced back at Jai to see what he was doing but he just kept his head down as if he's gonna sleep.

I looked at the time and saw that we only had one minute left till we were dismissed so I put my pens and sharpies back in my backpack and waited till the teacher dismissed us.

When I got out I got in my car and just sat for a minute.
I then remembered Jack and how he said to call him.
As I was driving I got to a red light so I called Jack.
He picked up on the fourth ring.
"Hey Lilly"
"Hey Jack um do you still wanna hangout or are you not up for it anymore?" I asked

"Of course I'm up for it we haven't talked in so long. Just let me tell the guys. Oh and don't forget to bring Rachel with you" he said
We said our goodbyes and I went to get ready.

I took a quick shower cause detentions was really hot and now I stink.
After my warm shower I curled my hair and decided to wear something comfortable but stylish.

After I finished getting ready I shot Rachel a text saying to meet me at my house.
I waited no more than 4 minutes till I heard her turning the door knob to come in, but the door was locked so she said "SAHYOUNIE OPEN UP IM HERE!" She yelled

"I know hold on let me eat my granola bar" I said while throwing the wrapper and putting it in my mouth.
I then ran to the door and let her in.
She looked at me weirdly and said "so you'd rather stay here just to open a granola bar wrapper than to answer the door for me" she said sounding offended.

I started laughing and took a bite from my bar.
"Look do you wanna come with me to get ice cream?" "you know you could've told me that on the phone".
"Ya but I wanted you to get in my car cause I haven't been driving you around." I said acting innocent.

"Who going there" she asked.
"Umm no one really just a few of the football players like Alex,Drake,Derek,Ty and Jack"

"Heeeeeeell no honey if you think I'm going anywhere that Jack is I'm not going." She said stubbornly
"Please.... For me" I begged

She stayed silent for a few seconds till she gave up. "Ok fine but if he tries to get to know me I'll ignore him."

"Ok ok fine but all he wants to know is why you hate him and I'm not telling him that you don't like him cause you think he's a pervert" I admitted

"Ok I'll come up with something now come on let's go..... wait where are we going?"
"Oh to some ice cream place but it's sorta fancy"
Rachel just shrugged and walked out to my car.

On our way there Rachel kept making me switch lanes while driving fast so I sorta did it to a red light and now the cops are behind us. And I'm still driving lets just say Rachel isn't the best influence on some people but we're just having fun so YOLO.✌🏽

"Rachel I'm stopping cause we might go to jail or something" I said over reacting.... I think
"Ok fine but don't act nervous ok" She basically demanded
I rolled my window down right when the cop came.

"Hello sir how may I help you" I said innocently
"Umm well i have been driving after you for the past 2 minutes and you past a red light 2 of them actually so I'm gonna have to see some license and registration please"

I took them out acting smoothly just like Rachel told me and right before he left he said don't leave. "I can tell you young ladies are rebellious so don't try anything" he warned

"No problem sir I am a good person it's my friend here who likes to do this stuff" he chuckled and left to do whatever he does and while he left Rachel kept saying how the officer was cute.

When we got there I saw Jack and the some of the football players hanging out and laughing so me and Rachel walked up to them but before she left i told her if they ask where i am to ignore them. Rachel greeted everyone except Jack and sat across from him because she said doesn't want to be next to a 'perv'

I walked behind him and put my finger to my lips telling Alex, Derek, and Rachel to be quiet. I snuck up behind Jack and Ty and said "what's so funny" not very loud but loud enough to scare them Jack flinched and Ty screamed little a girl.

I sat down still cracking up I really wasn't expecting that reaction out of him but anyways I gave everyone a hug and Jack said that we should go get our ice cream so we all got up and went to the line.

While the guys were teasing Ty, me and Jack had our own little conversation "so did you ask Rachel why she's so is so anti Jack" he asked while telling the man what flavors he wanted.
"Ya but she wouldn't tell me why" I lied
He looked at me and gave me a 'really' look. I smiled innocently at him and shrugged. But he kept buggin me when I told the guy what flavours I wanted.

"Ok fine she thinks your a pervert" I blurted out.
He started laughing hysterically and asked "why would she think that" after he calmed down.
"Cause your always hugging and poking me I guess,but don't worry I don't get bugged" I said reassuring him.

We both then walked back to our seats and I was still amazed that the ice cream is shaped as flowers on the cone. I then looked up and saw that Rachel was flirting with Ty even though she doesn't like him as I've said before she'll flirt with just anybody who looks good.

I started laughing at her cause as she was trying to shove the ice cream in her mouth she missed it and the ice cream went all over her face and hair.
After a few minutes of Rachel complaining about how it'll give her acne Jack nudged me and whispered "watch this" I nodded and watched him as he got up and leaned over the table.

He got a napkin and rubbed it over Rachel's face and started touching her face,we were all laughing except Rachel she looked really pissed.
"OK STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME,YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE YOU. Gosh I don't even know why you wanted me here" she said while going to the bathroom.

"Wow she hates me that much" he said sadly
"Aww it's ok I don't hate you" I said while kissing him on the cheek and hugging him.

He hugged me back but then he kept his arm around my shoulder,but I didn't mind cause we're always like this.
After a few minutes Ty said "umm aren't you gonna check up on Rachel she's been gone for a while"
"Do you want me to get a black eye,plus she'll probably enjoy your company more" I smirked
I know she doesn't like him but aye at least let him think that.

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