Chapter 100

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***** Unedited chapter *****

Evans POV:

"Wha-What'd you do!" I yelled while grabbing her head off of the floor as I saw the big gash of blood spilling out of her neck

I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and shakily  called for 911

"He-hello... My- my girlfriend cu-cut her ne-neck and there's blo-blood everywhere.. please come quick" I cried while watching as Red peacefully but painfully stared at me

"Ok sir what is you address an ambulance will be there shortly...  But im going to need you to stay on the line with me"
"Is she still breathing" the operator asked
"Y-yes she- shes cho-choking but she- she's not trying to help her self" I angrily cried
"Ok im gonna ask you to do something, and you no other choice than to do it"

"Ok im gonna need you to put your hand on the wound and try to stop the bleeding
"Wha- no! im not i cant do that" I panicked
"Alright alright calm down just try to put some source of pressure on the cut but do not! Tie anything around her neck"

I did as she said while my hands trembled and tears streaming down my face. While looking at the love of my life intentionally dying in front of my eyes.

Jais' pov:
As i finally got to the hospital Lilly's breathing was getting shorter and deeper
"You ok..?"
"I-I think I'm... Gonna have another attack" she struggled to say
I quickly got out of the car and picked her up and ran inside the hospital
"Guys I need help!" I yelled out as Lilly's fingers dug into my skin
I quickly looked down at her and she started to struggle again

"I need a fucking doctor! She can't breath!" I yelled one more time
When none of the nurses ran to help I went through the doors and tried finding a doctor myself
I held Lilly extremely close to me and called for any doctor
"Sir I'm gonna ask you to please calm down"
I heard someone say
"What the fuck do you mea- Doctor... Yes! I need help she-she can't breath. I think it's an anxiety attack"
"Ok here bring her in here and I need you to step out as soon as one of my nurses come" he informed me

"I'm not leaving her"
"I can't gave anyone on the room"
"I was in the same room as her when she was in surgery I think it was... And I didn't even bother them"
"...ok but for now i need you to go to this room and call three nurses" he said while pulling out a card
I looked at it and quickly started running to the other side of the building

Lilly's Pov:
On our way to the hospital. I was confused to the point where it was giving me more anxiety. Why is Cameron even here I haven't seen him in four years, I thought his parents said that they'd keep him in boarding school in Australia.
At this point I was practically killing myself with all of the thinking

"Lilly stop! Stop everything right now an-and clear your mind.... Think of somthing happy and not stupid things but literally all of your happy memories" he cried
I tried to clear my mind but flashes of Cameron came into my mind and my breathing supply completely shut and the only oxygen I had left was what I was exhaling.

Jai's pov:
I looked over at Lilly after I told her to clear her mind but her face turned a dark color of purple. I increased my speeding and finally arrived at the hospital.
"Help! Someone come help my girlfriend!" I screamed as soon as I got out of the car
A couple nurses came running towards the car and picked her up while strapping her in a wheel chair and running inside the E.R
As I ran after them one of the nurses stopped me and said I can't go with them right now
I stared straight into her eyes and I could feel the steam beaming out of my ears

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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