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Lillys Pov:
"James, I don't wanna go" I whined
"You have no choice, you've been yelling and crying all day yesterday"
"Fine, get out of my room I wanna change"
"Ok, don't eat me" he laughed and walked out
How annoying
I slammed the door as he purposely left it open and went back into my closet and looking for something to wear
***20 minutes later***
"Lilly come on we're gonna be late" he said while coming into my room and finding me still in pajamas
"Your not even dressed yet! What have you been doing all this time"
"I-I don't know, I'm stressing myself out"
"Well can you get ready in less than 3 minutes?" He idiotically asked
"Fuck it you know, fuck! everything, I'm just gonna wear some stupid black joggers and this stupid red Nike sweater and some stupid black Converse!" I yelled to myself while grabbing them off my bed
"Ok I'll be waiting in the car" he said looking weirded out
I quickly ran into Jai's room and took out his black dress shirt and pants, along with a bow tie. Then I ran back into my room and took my pants off and put on the comfortable joggers then slid the sweater over my shirt and ran out with the bag of Jais clothes and my shoes in my hand
I quickly got in the car and James immediately drove out of the driveway and onto the long street

"Come on lets go in" James happily said
"Why are you happy" I annoyingly asked
"I don't know, I just love going through the process of going in"
"What process?" I asked not knowing anything about the law
"Just wait and you'll see"
I shrugged and walked through the buildings doors and was immediatelyet with two guards wearing white gloves
"Ma'm I'm gonna ask you to put all hand held objects in this box"
As I put the bag with Jais' clothes in there along with my phone the man ssed it through a small scan thing and then asked James to also do so since he only had his phone with him they just let us both in and led us to a lady sitting behind an overly large desk
"Good evening, who are you here to see" she nicely asked
"Jai Brooks" James answered
She typed a few things into the computer and said
"Ok walk down that hall then take a left and it'll be the third door"
"Ok thank you" we both said in unison
She nodded as a reply and continued answering complaining peoples calls and putting them on hold

We walked in and were met with Beau, Luke and two other guys I've seen hang out with Jai but then I remembered that I forgot about the clothes so I quickly got up and exited the room.
"Um excuse me, I forgot a bag where the entrance is, do you know where they put it now
"Um.. go ask them cause they usually keep it next to them till someone gets it"
"Ok thanks" I immediately ran to the other side of the building till I was met with the two security guards again
"Hi, I was just here a few minutes ago and-"
"And you forgot your bag, along with your phone" he finished my sentence for me while handing me my things
"Thank you" I didn't wait for a reply and started to run back inside the court room
"Lilly come sit he's about to come" Beau said while pattingbthe spot next to him repeatedly
I quickly sat next to him and the judge came out
"Before we start anything is there a Lilly Sahyounie here?"
Fuck what does he want

I slowly and hesitantly stood up
"Th-thats me, sir"
"I don't think you should be here in my opinion"
"Wh-why" I said in a low voice
"Because the pictures we have are a bit graphic and I've figured out that you're close with the victims"
"It-its ok, I can handle it"
"Then come up here and see these pictures"
I hesitantly walked up to where he was sitting and he gave me one picture but it was turned over so I stared at it then back at him
I slowly turned it over and saw that it was Lexi...
Laying in a puddle of her own blood in her room!
"He-he did th-this" I asked
"Wh-what's that on he-her forehead" I said pointing to a 6
"He burned her, probably with a piece of medal and stuck it on there"
"He-he- but I've never seen hi-him do something so violent"
"Well then I guess you don't really know him" he said while putting the pictures back in a folder filled with others
"I-I hav-have to go" I quickly said and ran out of the room as quick as I could
"Lilly where are you going" I heard Luke say follwed by footsteps behind me
My feet started to run faster than I could imagine but once I got to the front door I saw him, why now
"Lilly?" He said in a low soft

Jais pov:
"I thought you didn't come" I happily said with a smile forming on my face but it soon turned into a frown when I saw the tears streaming down her cheeks
"What's wrong" I asked
She charged towards me and pushed me with all her might but her small hands only caused me to stumble back a bit and surprisingly officer Delaney didn't do anything and watched what was gonna happen next

"You piece of shit! How the fuck could you do that to me, what did I ever do to you, you sick bastard"
"Lilly it wasn't-"
She cit me off and yelled
"No! You don't get to talk you sick asshole"
"You killed Lexi, you killed Daniel and you killed my fucking dad, why haven'to you killed me yet!... just kill me and put me out of my misery already!" She cried and pushed passed me and ran outside
"Lilly wait!" I yelled and tried running after her but the officer wouldn't let me go so I yelled at Luke and told him to go after her

But as for me I went straight into the court room and was met with a few strangers, Beau, James and the judge along with an officer
"Jai Brooks you are pleaded guilty and will be serving a life sentence!"
"Ok your honour" I quietly said as tears ran down my cheeks and was being cuffed to my back and immediately taken outside and into a cops car
But they didn't even let me say goodbye to Beau and James or anyone

"Does officer De-Delaney work in th-the prison" I stuttered
"Yea but he's mostly in the control room"
I'm not scared of going to jail, I've been there a few times...wait but I usually had my demon with me... Yup I'm gonna die in less than an hour

***At the prison***
When I first walked in they took all my belongings and made me put on an ugly jumpsuit then started taking my fingerprints then they finally took me to my two person cell
They gave me a thin bed matress, a blanket and an unfluffly pillow
As I started making the bottom bunk I heard someone come in
"Hey! That's my bunk, you get top"
"Sorry" I mumbled while not looking at him and took off the matress, settung up the bed once more then sat on it
"Hey, what's your name?" He asked
"Jai, what's yours"
"They call me Big Mike"
"Nice to meet you" I saod in a low voice
"Hey! Why are yous sad" he yelled
"Cause I'm in here"
"Why are you here your like 16"
"I'm 19 actually but anyways I murdered a couple people"
"Why little man, you had a wjole life ahead of you and you chose to come here, why"
"I had some things going on in my head, that's all but I'm good now"
"Ahh, your demons were in your head"
My eyes shot wide open and I got off the bed to face him oh he's actually big but not scary looking

"What do you mean my demons, whk told you"
"Listen kid, we all have ojr demons, they come and go but once you think you've gotten rid of them they might come crawling back into your head"
Oh he's talking about those kinds of demons
"Oh ok" I simply said, not knowing what else to say I laid back down amd tried to sleep on the uncomfortable bed

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