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Jai's pov:
After sorta yelling at Lilly I sat next to her just to annoy and taunt her. And to my luck it's working.

"Jai don't you think you wanna get up and play you can take my turns I'm to tired" Lilly said

"Ok I'll play a few rounds, Aye guys count me in I'll be taking Lilly's turns" I informed them while walking up to them.
They didn't seem to care so I just took my turns and strikes each ones.

"You suck!" James yelled out to Beau when he missed his goal.
"You cunt why won't you show me how to play then if your so good at this." He argued back.

James got up out of Lilly's grip and grabbed the bowling ball and started to aim for the pins in the middle.

When he settled his decision he rolled the ball calmly and waited to see what his results will be.
While we were all waiting for the ball to strike the pins down Beau was literally jumping out of his seat.

But to everyone's surprise the ball only knocked down one of the pins.
All of us were gasping over dramatically and patted James back in 'sorrow'.
"James babe come sit down or you'll get even more embarrassed" Lilly said lazily while having her feet laid in the couch.

I started laughing cause she looked so chill as if she was at home.
She looked at me and actually smiled like a real smile but then she drifted her attention back to James.

To be honest I'm getting really annoyed from James cause every time I seem to actually acknowledge her he seems to get in the way.
So therefore I'm going to flirt if I can since she's obvious oblivious to when people flirt with her sometimes b

After playing for 20 minutes with the guys my back started to hurt so I said "Guys I'm taking a break I can't bend anymore" they all shooed me away and continued playing as if I ruined the whole game.

When I sat down Lilly had her head on James lap and her legs over the couches arm rest. I started laughing at how comfortable she looked.
"What's so funny Brooks?" She said while still laughing.

"Nothing it's just you look comfortable and as if your at home and I find it fascinating"

"Whys that so fascinating" she said while sitting up
"Cause girls like you usually you know the popular ones usually like to stay fancy and not all over the place"

"Well Jai" she said while patting the empty spot to her right.

I sat next to her and waited for her to continue while James didn't even realize I was there.

"Well Jai I am not like the other popular girls cause they constantly think about what would happen to their rep if they do something wrong.
But me I don't I forget that I'm 'popular' till I look at my phone of course and I'm not the fancy type"

"Oh ok" I said not knowing what to say
Lilly's pov:
After a few minutes of talking to Jai we heard snoring behind me.
I turned around and saw that James and the rest were all sleeping on one couch except James he's sleeping next to me.

"Aww" I said in adoration
"You do realize we're gonna have to wake them up right?"
"Fuuck I'll wake up Daniel and James you wake up Luke and beau"

He sighed in annoyance cause he knows they won't wake up any second.
I walked up to Daniel first since he's my brother and I know how to wake him up.

"Daniel wake up I'm making your favorite breadsticks with extra cheese and pepperonis in it if you want" I said slowly so it can sink into his small head.
He started shifting and and humming in his sleep till I slapped his thigh.

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now