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Evans pov:
I did nothing on Halloween besides harm myself and cry
I don't even know why I'm doing it, I know Jai told me to stop but I can't just stop like that, I feel addicted to it in a way.
I don't even know what's going on in this house right now, I feel as if Lilly forgot about me once I started living here, and I think Red is mad at me now and I can't call her to make sure of it because I've been crying to much I can barely speak
Why can't I just have a normal life where I have lots of friends, a perfect family, not self harm for sure that's one of the biggest mistakes I've made and yet its my addiction... no not drugs not cigarettes I'm addicted to blades cutting through my skin, I don't even have room for then so I'm starting to cut on my thighs
I layed on my bed and took out my laptop and logged onto my tumblr. I actually feel loved on there cause the people I follow on there don't know me in person and actually care about me.
I checked my notifications and saw that I had a few messages from my 'friends'

Friend 1: hey where have you been. I hope your doing ok

Friend 2: I need your help I've been having urges to cut again
This girl right here is tge one who inspires me to stay alive and not kill myself cause I helped her stop cutting through texting and Face Time within months. But she's the only one I've ever been on Face Time with cause her story is so sad I had to see how she was doing once in a while
I ignored my other messages and texted her
Evan: Hey I heard your not doing ok, what's wrong
Sophie: Everything is going wrong my dad is out of rehab and I don't think it did anything thing caise he's still drinking and is even more abusive
Evan: You havent cyt again right
Sophie: not yet but I really want to, I've been having urges for the past few weeks and I don't know what to do
Evan:Arent you 18, leave the house its the best chouve you've got
Sophie: And where am I gonna go?
Evan: If I had my own house I'd let you stay with me but I'm living with my friend, do you have a relative that you can stay with
Sophie: Thanks but no, all my relatives hate me for some reason
Evan: oh sorry bout that, I'll try to visit this week if you don't mind
Sophie: ok I still live where I do. But you know how to get in without being caught right??
Evan: Yup, up the tree and into the attic
Sophie: I got to go my dad's coming. And yea but knock when you come in
Evan: Ok bye

I turned the laptop off and made my way down to the kitchen while making myself a peanut butter sandwich I heard loud footsteps coming downstairs but I ignored it thinking it was Daniels or Steve
I poured my self a cold glass of milk then was soon being yelled at
"Aye! Who are you, and what are you doing here" an unknown voice yelled
I quickly turned around and saw someone who Lillys showed me before
"I'm Lilly's friend who are you" I asked
"I'm James"
Didn't this kid die
I slowly started walking closer to the stairs while rambling on about anything just so I could distact him and when I got him to turn around I bolted up the stairs and into Lillys room

"Lilly! Isn't he dead! What's going on" I screamed while jumping in bed with her
"Wh-what's going on" she said while rubbing her eyes
"That James guy wasn't he dead"
"Apparently not, Jai surprised me with him when you picked me up"
"S-so he's not a ghost?" I shakingly asked
"No, come here you look shaken up" she lazily laughed while hugging me

Lillys pov:
"Why did they tell you he died then" he asked
"I dont know, but I'm trying to ignore all those questions and not involve myself in any drama"
"Should I ask Jai la-"
"Get the hell out of my way!" I heard Jai growl along with a loud thud.
Seconds later a crying Jai came into the room
"Get out Evan!" He yelled in a warning voice
Evan looked at me in assurance and I nodded knowing that Jai wouldn't do anything bad so once he left Jai came innocently crawling onto my bed
"Jai are you okay" I asked while putting the blanket over us
He shook his head and picked me up setting me on his lap while crying into my neck
While rocking back and forth I kept repeating "Its ok... its ok" and running my hands through his hair

After 5 minutes he calmed down and was just having small hiccups I hugged him tighter knowing something is actually wrong
"I-I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what" I asked
He ignored my question and kept mumbling "I'm sorry" and kissing my neck
After a while I pulled away from him and
Cupped both his cheeks and asked
"Babe.. what's wrong"
"Ca-can I sle-sleep here" he asked, ignoring my question
"Sure just come here, lets go wash your face off" I said as I held his hand

We laid in bed and he wasted no time to snuggle up to my side and fall asleep.
After 10 minutes I heard his light snores so I got out of bed and went to talk to Evan "Hey Evan, can I come in"
"Yea sure"
I slowly walked in and saw him sitting up from his bed
"Ok so no James didn't die, I don't know why they told me he did but no he's not dead. And no I don't know whats wrong with Jai, he just went to bed right now"
"Oh ok thanks cause I was getting creeped out"
"I can tell your still a bit shaken up" I laughed
"Anyways I have to check up on James then I'm going to bed"
"Ok good night
"Goodnight" I said while leaving a small kiss on his cheek and leaving the room.

When I entered all the rooms I didn't find James so I went downstairs and found him in the kitchen holding an ice pack on his head
"Hey what happened"
"Uh did you hear a loud thud before Jai got upstairs" he asked while sitting on the counter
"Well that was me being thrown at the wall"
"Oh, are you ok" I laughed
"Yea I'm ok, I think I have a bruise but I'm ok"
"Ok if you don't need anything I'm going to bed"
"Uh no I'm ok, goodnight"

James pov:
"Goodnight" she said as she walked away
But I was quick to stop her by grabbing her arm
"Hold on, uh I just wanted to say I missed you"
"I know, you already told me like 4 times" she laughed
I looked at her for a while then slowly leaned in
"Stop" she quickly said
"I-I like Jai, and I don't want all of the problems to happen all over again"
"O-ok I'm sorry... I-I should've asked"
"Its ok but uh I have to go to bed" she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said goodnight once again then disappeared up the stairs.
As she went to bed I opened the fridge and took out a plate of cold pizza and started dining on that for ten minutes.

Lillys pov:
I went upstairs to my room and jumped under the duvet and placed my head in the crook of Jais' neck while hugging him him closer to me.
"I love you Jai brooks" I whispered to myself while stroking his cheek
"Lilly?" He said waking up
"I love you to Lilly Sahyounie"
A small giggle escaped my lips as I wrapped my arm around his waist

Reds pov:
"Mom I'm not hungry please stop shoving food at my face" I whined as I ran up to my room
"Red! Don't bother coming down later cause your grounded"
"For not eating?! Well don't bother I isolate myself in my room all day anyways!"
"For your information missy this also means No Evan!"
"I don't give two shits about him, just leave me alone and let me do what I want for once"
"Ever since you've been born I've been letting you do whatever you like but your a spoiled brat that can't accept anything in her life and blames everything on her depression!" She screamed while shutting her bedroom door
"Bitch" I muttered while taking out my blades and sliding the blade across my wrist multiple times making deep cuts out of anger

"Fuck you mom*cut* Fuck you dad *cut* Fuck you Evan for coming into my miserable life *cut* and fuck my life!" I cried while making my last cut
I looked down at my wrists once I approved of what I did I got up and cleaned the blood off and laid down on the bathroom floor

*****next morning*****

The next morning I woke up to Evan picking me up from the floor and setting me down on my bed
"Hey, are you ok" he winced while holding his back
"Wh-what are you doing here, m-my mom sa-sai"
"Said I'm not allowed here for a month, yea I know but I snuck in from your window"
"Because I wanted to apologize about yesterday, I was acting like a jerk and... I'm sorry"
"Its ok... but I'm sorta half asleep right now and I didn't hear half the things you said"
"Oh, well it is still 3:30 AM and the, sun isn't out yet... I'll come back later then"
"D-do you wanna stay here with me"
"Like sleep here?" He asked while playing with the hem of his shirt
"If you want I'm not gonna force you" I nervously said
"Yea I'll stay, but should I lock the door ao your mom won't come in"
"I-its already locked"
He nodded and started taking his shoes off

He got inside the blanket with me and hesitated to put his arms around me so I scooted closer to him and put my head over his chest.
He safely put his arm around me and I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat

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