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Steves pov:
"Why did you fucking yell at her!" I yelled at Jack
"I was just aggravated and I felt like she just had to take the attention away from her dad and take it"
"So your saying that my sister, your best friend, is an attention seeker" I angrily asked
"No I'm just saying she loves the attention"
"That basically is an attention seeker"
"Well than yes I am calling her an attention seeker but its true she took the attention away when that James guy died and she-"
I stopped him mid sentence and said
"How exactly did she steal that attention away Daniel told me they all focused on her and they wanted to give her the attention cause we knew how much she liked him, like that was the obvious thing to do"
"I honestly don't care right now but I have to go" he dramatically said while getting in his car and left, leaving me standing speechless 'how does lilly stand him'
I angrily went back inside my house and remembered that Lilly was still back at the graveyard so I quickly called her
"Hey Lilly are you ok" I asked through the phone
"Uh.. yea I'm ok"
"Are you sure, where are you"
"Yes I'm sure....I'm with uh..." she trailed off
"Lilly, who are you with?"
"Don't be mad... please"
"I can't be mad at you, now tell me"
"I'm at J-j-... ugh! I'm at Jais house" she blurted out
What. The. Fuck is she doing with HIM
"Can I please ask, why" I said through gritted teeth
"He begged me... and it was getting cold out so he drove me to his house"
"You're a girl and I don't understand any of this stuff so I'm not gonna argue with yoy but I'd keep this away from Daniel" I supportingly said
"Ok, thanks for understanding"
"No problem, bye"

Lilly's pov:
Jai took a quick stop at a store to get some stuff he needed and came back twenty minutes later with four bags filled with stuff, I didn't bother looking through them
When we got to his place I was very hesitant to walk in but he shot me with one of his innocent smiles and I walked in
"Do you want a pair of onesies, you look uncomfortable"
"Um.. ok, thanks
"Ok I'll be right back, but as I'm getting dressed pick out a movie for us to watch" he over excitedly said while running up the stairs
I started looking through the movies and saw Grease its my favorite movie! But I think it's a bit romantic so I don't think it'll be a good idea to watch this. I put it aside and looked through the other movies
Minutes later
I was too deep into my thoughts to notice that Jai was sitting next to me wearing a pair of onsies while handing me a pair also
"Oh sorry I didnt notice you were here" I quickly grabbed it from his hand and headed to the bathroom.
"Did you pick a movie yet" he asked before I left
"U-um yea but I couldn't choose between those two" I said, pointing to the two Cds on the table
I quickly went to the bathroom and took my clothes off leaving myself in nothing but my undergarments

"Lilly are you done!" He shouted from the living room "Uh yea!" I pulled them on and zipped it up then ran out of the bathroom
"Hey uh, I picked Grease, is that ok with you"
I sat down on a separate couch and looked outside for a quick second its gonna rain, fuck
"Are you cold or anything" he asked while getting ready to turn the Tv on
"Its ok I'm fine"
"Ok good"
He turned the Tv on and started the movie. He looked around for a seat, even though he had two more couches around the living room
I focused my attention on the Tv but kept hearing hin loudly sigh
"Ar-are you ok" I asked
"No, I feel lonely"
"Well I can't solve that for you"
"Can I sit next to you... please" he begged
"No, I'm comfortable like this"
"But I'm not, pleeeasee let me sit with you" he basically cried
"Fine but give me that bowl of hot chips"
He let out a soft chuckle and handed me the mixed chips while sitting next to me on the couch but I made sure to keep a distance
***30 minutes later***

As much as I love Grease I was starting to fall asleep while holding the bowl of chips and Jai was enjoying stroking my foot as if it was my hand weirdo
*loud thunder noise*
"Ahh!" A high pitched scream escaped my lips and the chips bowl flew out of my hands, hitting Jai on the head while the chips was everywhere
"Ow!" He yelled
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I laughed
"Its not funny the crumbs are in my eyes!"
Fuck its hot chips, that's probably burning him
"Come 'ere let me lead you to the kitchen sink" I hesitantly grabbed him by his wrist and led him there
"Come on wash your eyes before it gets worse"
I opened the water and he immediately started scrubing his eyes

Reds pov:
"Red! Come down here right now!" my dad yelled
I quickly ran down thinking something was wrong
"What, what's wrong"
"Sit down!" He said while pulling out one of the kitchen chair for me to sit in
"Where's mom" I quietly asked while taking a seat
"At work, now what have you eaten this past week" he angrily asked
"I-I don't remember"
"What was the last thing you ate then"
"I don't know, why"
He frustratedly sighed and said
"We know your depressed, but starving yourself seriously, your that childish"
"I-I'm not starving myself.... I eat everyday" my voice squeaked at the end
"So you wouldn't mind if I make you eat a lot of food right now"
I took a while to answer him then finally said
"O-ok, what are we having"
"Your old favorite, spicy steak"
Fuck those are really big peices of meat
"Can't wait to eat, I'm starving" I stood up to go upstairs but he quickly stopped me
"I just finished making the mash potatoes, do you mind tastings them it for me"
He handed me a big spoon and I dipped it into the small pan and put it in my mouth
"It taste good" I quickly said and tried running upstairs
"Where are you going, theres more food I need you to taste" he said
"You know I really don't have time, I have lots of homework"

"No it can wait now here, start tasting" he said while taking out plates and plates of food.
"Da-dad I can't eat this ill gain lots of weight"
"Even better, you can now gain the weight you need to be healthy"
Oh good now he's calling me fat
"What are you waiting for, start eating!" He happily said I don't know if he's doing this on purpose or hes trying to spebd some quality time with me
**1 hour of torture later**
I have already tasted 10 different kinds of chicken, 7 types of meat, 6 diffrent fruit salads, 11 soups, and peices of a turkey
Today will not end in a good way cause of my dad
"The steak is ready!"
"Yay!" I sarcastically said
He made us both a plate and set one plate infront of me
"Dig in"
"I can't eat anymore, I'm full"
"No your not now eat!"
Chill out don't eat me
"O-ok so-sorry" I stuttered
What a bitch, I'm telling mom he made me stutter (she hates it when I stutter in the house cause she thinks a home is a place to be comfortable)
As we were eating in an uncomfortable silence for a while he finally broke it and asked me "I noticed that your friends with one if my clients"
"R-really, wh-which one"
I know its Evan I'm just scared he won't let me talk to him again
"His name's Evan"
"Oh Ev-Evan, ya I kn-know him"
"Stop hanging out with him he has a bad past" he nonchalantly said
"We di-didn't have a go-good past" how hypocritical of him to say that
"We're different" he said, highering his voice

"Ho-how are we different, what happened in his past"
"That's confidental information I can't tell you"
"Then I'll just ask him"
"I said you are not to talk to him!" He yelled while slamming his hand against the table
"Then tell me!" I surprisinly yelled back
I immediately sat back down and looked down at my feet cause I was afraid of what he was gonna do
"Go. upstairs. to your room" he said through gritted teeth
I immediately did as he said and slammed the door.
I went into my bathroom and weighed myself to see if I had gained any weight yet
I looked down and saw that I've gained 10 pounds already
[Thats what she thinks]
I immediately got off the scale and bent over the toilet and stuck three fingers down my throat
Seconds later all the food I ate was coming out
"This is all his fault I'm doing this right now, he wants me to be fat, he wants me to be unhealthy, I can't be weighing 310 Ibs at the age of 17...." I rambled to myself through the mirror while making deep cuts into my wrists
When I finished talking to myself I looked down at what I made and saw that I've added more cuts thanni ever had and they were deeper than usual.
I stared at my bloody wrist for a second then looked up at my face and bought the blade up to my neck
"What if I end up killing myself right here, right now..then i would be free from all the pain and the worry"
I shut my eyes tightly and held it up to my neck

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