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Reds Pov:
After the movies me and my mom went to a restaurant and thats when I turned my back phone on
2 missed calls from Evan
I quickly called him back and thankfully he answerws after the 5th ring
"Hey Evan you called?"
"Oh uh yea, I just wanted to uh.... say hi"
He's lying
"Evan... what's wrong"
"Can I comw over in a bit"
"No! I mean no I'm not home right now"
"A-are you ju-just saying that so I could leave you alone?"
"No no... listen Red I'm at the hospital"
My eyes immediately went wide
"Why, what happened"
"Don't worry its nothing, I'm leaving today anyways"
"Are you sure cause you sound in pain"
"Nope I'm fine, I just slammed my finger on the table, but uh I have to go. I'll see you later"
"Oh. Bye" I quickly hung up and got out of the bathroom
"Hey mom sorry I took long"
"Its ok, your dad called and asked when we'd be home?" She said in a question
"We can ho now if you want but on our way home can you stop by the hospital real quick"
"Sure, but whos at the hospital"
"Evan, but I'm not sure why and what room"
She got up and said
"You must really like this guy"
I ignored her question and said
"Aren't you gonna pay"
"Already did, when you were in the bathroom"

***At Hospital ***

I walked to the front desk and asked if she could tell me where Evans room is
"What are you to him" she asked
"A friend"
"Mhmm, well he cant have any visitors"
"C-can you ca-call him and ask"
She annoyingly sighed and called in
"Hello Mr. Peters you have a um... visitor" she said while looking at me in disgust
"She has thin dirty blonde hair" she described me
"Ok bye"
He's in room 210, second floor
I walked into his room and saw him laying in bed zoned out
"Hey Evan"
"R-Red... what are you doing here"
"I-I just ca-came to check up o-on you"
"Why I already told you I was okay"
My head immediately went down in embarrassment and quickly said
"No wait, sorry I didn't mean it in a rude way"
"I'm gonna go, my moms waiting outside"
"Can I still come over when your dad leaves" he asked
A smile quickly appeared on my face
"Yeah sure"
"Ok bye"

Jais pov:
I need to chill.... and I need to kill Daniel, but Lilly and him have to be on good terms so she has to say goodbye to him basically
"Hey Daniel.... its time"
"Already, cant you kill me after Halloween"
"I think so, but if he kills someone from my family its on you"
"No no I cant risk that, you need them, just let me say bye to Lilly then you can kill me"
"Alright.... Come over lets hang out for a bit, like old times ya?"
"Ok ill be right over"
I hung up the phone and got up to start cooking something
***10 minutes later ***
*door knocking*
I opened the door and Daniel stood there with a pack of beer

"What's up mate!" He said while hugging me
"Shut up and come inside" I laughed
"Oi! Your so rude, what happened to the bromance"
"Its in that food that's cooking"
His head immediately whipped to the kitchen and stared at the food
"Wait give me the beer and you can eat"
"Here" he tossed the full 24 pack at me and started eating
Does this guy feed himself...... never mind he's Daniel
"Jay invite the rest of the guys so we can have more fun!" He yelled from the kitchen with a mouth full of food
******5 minuets later*******
Luke and beau finally showed up and Steve is still on his way surprisingly
"I smell food!" Beau yelled while running towards Daniel and hugging him while Luke stared at them in disgust and whipped his hair to the side
"They are so childish while I am here so mature with my beautiful blue hair"
"Shut the hell up and come join us"
"Ok fine, but I'm only joining you guys cause I'm hungry"
Yea okay

Lillys pov:
Why isn't anything the same anymore, i used to be this outgoing happy girl that would do anything to hangout with her friends. But now all I want to do is lay in this bed of mine and smoke my cigarettes
I blew out the ashes from the cigarette and stood up
"Since when did cigarettes make your mouth dry, I'm thirsty" I whispered to myself while getting up to get some water
I went down the long stairs and grabbed a bottle of Figi water and as I was walking back up my phone started ringing

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