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Lillys pov:
Am I really gonna do this
No! My head yelled out
Yes do it he'll help you. My heart said
So obviously I'm gonna follow my heart and do what he says
"Th-then turn around"
He nodded and I immediately started stripping down to my bra and underwear
"O-ok yo-you can turn around n-now" I stuttered with tears forming in my eyes

He slowly turned on his heel and immediately gasped while stepping away from me
I knew it! He's just gonna leave me now!
"P-please don't say an-anything, you ca-can just go"
"N-no I'm not le-leaving you here like this" he cried
"Im not, Im not, I can't, its all my fa-fault.... that's it I'm the one who ru-ruined you, that means I ha-have to fi-fix you" he mumbled while finally grabbing my arm and hugging me

"I'm sorry" I whispered against his chest
"No no you can't be sorry I am, I made you like this and left you... this is all m fault"
We continued crying in each others arms for a while then he finally pulled away and wiped his face

"I'm gonna give you a bath and your gonna let me" he softly demanded
I nodded not feeling like arguing back and as soon as I nodded I felt myself being easily lifted by him
I didn't want him to see my bathroom so I told him to go to the one next door
"Ok I don't want you to be uncomfortable so I'm gonna wait outside the bathroom till you get in the bathtub"
A faint "Ok" left my lips and he left
As I took my bra and underwear off I started regretting to let him see my scars
Why does he wanna help me so bad I thought to myself while getting into the bathtub
"J-Jai you can come in now!"
After a few seconds he didn't come in so I stayed sitting in the warm bath waiting for him while my heart beat became to beat faster
Did he leave me... no no he wouldn't... he can't
"Jai are you still here!?" I yelled out

"Of course he left, you idiot" my conscious told me
"He's probably getting something for you, he'll be right back don't worry" I told myself
After a few minutes he still hasn't come so while crying I get up and put my undergarments back on and walked to my room sobbing

I walked to my closet and took out a pair of gray sweats and a red sweater.
I didn't bother drying myself before putting them on and just laid on my bed
A minute later I heard crying in my bathroom, causing me to jump out of bed and away from the bathroom door

"Wh-whos in there" I asked while wiping my tears away
"Lilly?" I heard him whisper
Seconds later he came out with bloodshot eyes and swollen lips
"Wh-whats wrong" I asked
"I-I wanted t-to know how I made you feel s-so I cu-cut myself too... an-and know w-we bo-both have scars"

Whys he doing this
"I wa-wanna kill myself" he said
"N-no. Why"
"Ca-cause I ca-can't live with the guilt"
"What a-are you tal-talking about" I asked
"I made you want to commit suicide! Not the demon! The demon only makes you do what you want to do" he yelled while holding his bloody wrist
"No... no no, don't do this to yourself Jai" I whispered while crying and slowly walking up to him
"I love you Lilly and I ca-can't bare seeing you go through su-such pain... I-I'm sorry I caused you that p-pain" he cried onto my shoulder
"I-its ok... I promise, its ok" I cried
He slowly looked up at me and cupped my cheeks while slowly wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb
My hands unconsciously did the same to him and stared into each others eyes

"I love you too Jai" I whispered while
Leaning in close to his face, he does the same and seconds later I felt the same sensation I feel every time we kiss
My stomach turns into knots while my head spins around as if I've been studying for hours
He slowly pulls away and intertwines our fingers and leads me to the bathroom again.

"Do you want me to stay in here this time" he asked

I slowly nodded then said "Bu-but can you turn ar-around" once I realized he might not wanna see my body

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now