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***^some of her drawings***

Reds pov:
"Wh-what do you wanna know about me" I asked
"Anything really, like what's your favorite color, food, when's your birthday, any hobbies...." he trailed off
"Well my favorite co-color is red and I like T-Tacos"
I waited a bit so I could calm down because that's what causes my stuttering
"My birthday is on Va-Valentine's day, but I don't really have any hobbies-
Actually I draw a lot and I like reading fanfictions"
"Oh! Are you good at it"
"I can sh-show you some I-if you want"
"You have them with you? "
"Ya I draw inside a jour-journal so I carry it in-inside my purse"
As I dug in my bag I tried calming myself again by taking deep breaths
I pulled out the black journal and handed it to him to look through.
He slowly opened it and started looking through the pages
"Um, your a really good drawer but whats the meaning of this sad lemon" he laughed
"I-I dont know I was just bored and in a bad mood so I came up with that" I awkwardly chuckled
"Who are these people"
"The two guys a-are from One Direction and the girl is random"

God! I feel like he's judging me I wanna leave. But I don't wanna be rude, its ok its not like he'll wanna talk to me again.  I started panicking so
I grabbed my bag and got up
"C-can I have my-my journal back"
"Sure here" he closed it up and slowly handed it to me
"I ha-have to go"
I put my head down and ran out the door
"Hey where are you going" he called out
I ignored him and started running once I saw him come after me.
I didn't stop running till I knew he wasn't behind me anymore.
I started walking home but since it was a long way I decided to call my sister
"Hey,  Sis can you pick me up... now"
"Sure where are you"
"Not too far from Starbucks"
"Okay just wait for me I'm not too far from you"

Evans pov:
After losing Red I was on my way home but then I remembered that I haven't talked to Lilly in a while so I drove to Steves' house
**knocking on the door**
Minutes later no one answered but her car is here so I took the key from under the brick and walked in.
I went up to her room once I saw that no one was in the living room or basement,
I walked in and saw that she was sleeping in Jais' arms while he was stroking her cheek and giving her small pecks on the lips 'are they dating'
"Um Jai?"
"Oh hey, what are you doing here" He whispered
"I felt bad for not seeing her, but I see that she's sleeping so I'll come back later"
"No its ok she's been sleeping for a while, I was gonna wake her up anyways"
"Oh ok I'll just wait downstairs for her"
He nodded and I went to the livingroom
I turned the Tv on and minutes later I saw Lilly come down with messy hair
"Hey sleepy" I said while hugging her
"Hey" she simply said while hugging me back
"So, are you ok"
"Ya....sorta... not really
We sat down on the couch and she basically laid on
"So its true about your...." I trailed off
"I'm sorry"
I gave her a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek
"Its ok, plus I've been through this before you know"

I already knew about her moms death but it was long ago so she's probably going to take this even harder
"Hey you know I'm here for you right"
"Ya I know......" after a minute of silence she said
"You know I love you"
"I love you too" she hugged me tighter and as we were both quiet I started hearing her small cries
"Shh shh its gonna be ok"
"H-how I ha-have no par-parents and I fe-feel so sad and dep-depressed" she choked out
"No, no don't say that you're perfectly fine" 'I'd know if she's depressed, and she's not'
"I don't fe-feel fine,I me-mean I'm sle-eping all day, I have ba-bags under my eyes, Ive be-been having ni-nightmares about my past and I just ca-can't handle it"
I stopped her from talking and whispered
"Stop, stop saying things like that ok you're a perfect beautiful girl that needs to just hold on a bit longer and everything will be ok"

After a few minutes of her quiet sobs I heard someone come down the stairs then remembered that Jai was still here
She held onto me but then I heard him say
"Why is my Lilly crying"
I looked over at him and said "No reason we were just talking" I said
He walked up to us and when he tried picking up Lilly from my lap she dug her head further into the crook of my neck
"I don't think she wants you to take her"
I shrugged and started combing her hair with my fingers since she still had bed hair.
"Ill make something to eat, do you want a plate" he asked me
"No it's ok, I'm leaving in a bit"

"Lilly are you ok" I whispered once Jai left
She  nodded then slowly pulled away while wiping her tears.
I cupped her cheeks and wiped them away for her
I connected our foreheads  and said
"I want you to be brave ok, and if you feel like giving up I'll always be here to talk"
She nodded while looking down then whispered a small "thank you" and a quick kiss on the cheek

Jais pov:
I decided to make some chicken and broccoli along with some cut up carrots on the side, so I took out the frozen chicken and let it sit so the ice can melt.
I went back to washing the veggies and noticed how close Lilly and and Evans faces were so I got mad at the thought of her with someone other than me
"Ow" the hot water burned my hand so I quickly turned the water to cold and set two pans on the fire.
As I was waiting for the pans to heat up I turned around and saw Lilly kiss Evan on the cheek 'what does she think she's doing! She's mine!'
"No shes not" my conscious told me
'She will be'

"I have to go now, its getting late"
"O-ok I'll walk out with you" as they both walked out I flicked Evan off then turned back around and started cooking, but since the veggies are just being steamed so I don't need to watch them  but the chicken cooks fast so I have to keep my focus on it.
Lilly just walked in and sat  on the couch. As I was gonna say something she beat me to it and said "do you think I'm a fail"
"No, who told you that"
"Nobody, the thought just keeps coming to mind"
"Well I dont know how you could be a fail if
1: You were a cheerleader for a few years
2:you've traveled your whole life
3:you actually have something going for you in the future like going to a college and having two brothers that love and would do literally anything for you, I don't know what you call that but its not failing in life"

"Thank you"
"No problem but now are you gonna eat"
She got up and sat on the other side of the kitchen island.
After setting up the two plates she stared at the plate a few seconds then finally started eating.
But I on the other hand had all my  focus on her
"Why are you staring at me"
"Cause you look beautiful"
She started blushing and hid her face but not in a slutty way
I walked over to her and pulled her hands away from her face and intwind our fingers together
"Do you have any plans tomorrow"
"I think....... Oh ya I have two tickets for Lana Del Rey, me and Rachel were gonna go but..."
"I can go with you, if you want"
"Really! I have Meet And Greet tickets too so we can meet her together!"
I smiled at how happy she was then said
"Do you know what your gonna wear"
"Shit, I gotta go pick out some-"
I pulled her back and said
"Finish eating then you can go"
"Fine" she sat back down and happily but quickly started eating

Beaus pov:
"Do you wanna hang out some other time"
"Sure, Do you wanna come to my place and hang out for a bit" Chelsey said
"Su- wait sorry I can't I have to go take care of my friends sister"
"Its ok maybe next time"
"Ill drive you home if you want" I suggested
"No its ok, the weather's good and my house isn't far from here"
"Are you sure"
She nodded then gave me a quick kiss then walked away
'Man, I think I love her already. I've known her for a ling time but we weren't really friends but now were dating. Its not official but I just know it will'
I just got to Steves house and the lights are on so I'm not as late as I thought, plus its only 10 O'clock
I knocked on the door and seconds later Jai answered the door
"You were suppose to be here two hours ago"
"Shut up" I walked in and  once I saw food on the kitchen table everything was a blur

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now