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Jais pov:
As Lilly was driving like a maniac as ususal
I kept getting glances of her and she still had that big smile on her face.
When we got to a red light I slowly but quickly leaned in and kissed her and as if immediatly she kissed back while cupping my cheek
We both jumped and once she noticed it was a greenlight she drove to whatever destination she wanted to go to
"Ok, we're here" she said while parking in front of a 50s looking place
We got out of the car and I quickly ran to her side.
"Do you need something" she laughed
"No just your lips" I chuckled We both slowly leaned in and just as I was about to kiss her she swerved and kissed my cheek
"I'm hungry now lets go" she laughed
I intertwined our fingers and walked in together. There were about 10 people in here so it wasn't packed or anything
"Woah, what is this place" I asked in shock
"Its a 50's diner, I always came here when I was younger''
"It looks so cool"
"Do you wanna go upstairs it looks even better"
"Ok come on"

She led me upstairs and it looked more of an old colorful cafe.
"Do the girls who work here wear rollerblades" I joked
"They used to but then they had two accidents and stopped wearing them" she laughed
As I was gonna say something an old lady in an old fashioned uniform came to us
"Hi my name is Rosie and I'll be serving you today"
"Hi Rosie, um is Linda here" Lilly asked
"Not today sorry her daughter justbhad a baby boy"
"Ooh tell her I said congrats"
"Will do, now here are the menus and I'll be back in a few minutes"
We both nodded and she slowly walked down the stairs
"What are you gonna get" I asked
"A burger, fries, and an ice cream milkshake"
"Ill have the same but you're sharing the milkshake"
"Ok then I better get a large"
While waiting for Rosie to come back Lilly was posting pictures about the concert then put her phone down and said
"I want a cigarette"
"No you don't"
"Yes I do I've been thinking about it since after the concert"
"You can get one when we get back home but I don't like seeing you smoke"
"I'm not doing it to impress anyone so..."
"I know I just... your basically hurting yourself by smoking"
"Then smoke with me and then we're both hurting ourselves together"
'What the hell'
"Ok just close your mouth for now" I said and put my hand over her mouth
"Hi again, ok do you know what you two are getting"
"We're getting two burgers, two fries and one large oreo ice cream milkshake"
"Ok I'll bring it up in a few minutes"

Lillys pov:
After Rosie left Jai held my hand and said
"Can I kiss you"
"No there's people around"
"Just a small kiss, pleeeease" he begged while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear
"You have something on youe lips" he lied
"Oh my god shut up there's nothing there" I laughed
"I just wanna kiss you"
"You're creeping me out, shut up"
"Fine I'll stop but when we leave I'm gonna stay with you all day"
I looked at him as if he was some kind of crazy person
"Okay where's the food, your starting to scare me"
"Are you done eating cause I think I'm gonna throw up"
"Why are you pregnant"
"I havent had sex since god knows when, so no"
I looked at the bill and laid out twenty dollars on the table
"Why are you paying"
"Cause you always pay"
"Only cause I'm being a gentleman"
"Gentlemen my ass, come on let's go"
he laughed and threw his arms around my shoulders

"Now that we're back home, what do you wanna do" he asked me
"I wanna smoke that cigarette I was talking about"
"I'll go get them for you but your only having one" he demanded
"No promises"
He sighed and ran upstairs
*phone ringing
I looked at the contact name and saw that it was Jack
"Hey Jackie whats up"
"Hi uh nothing really I just wanted to see if we could hang out th-this Friday"
"Sure, where to"
"I was thinking Ice skating?"
"Ok, should we meet up there or are you gonna pick me up"
"I'll pick you up at 6 is that ok"
"Ok bye see you at school"
Once I hung up I immediatly jumped by Jai saying
"Who was that"
"It was Jack and when did you get here"
"A second ago, heres your pack" he said while handing me the pack of cigarettes
"So what did he want"
"Why do you care" I sassily said
He gave me a glare then I said
"Oh my god chill out don't eat me, he wanted to hang out on Friday"
"Oh, I have a question"
"What is it"
"Where's Lala"
"I think Daniel took her with them and are you smoking with me" I asked
"Ya, but I don't know why you don't smoke hookah its much better and actually smells good"
I ignored him and lit up the cig

Reds pov:
"Are you ok" I heard an unfamiliar voice say
I turned around and saw Evan standing at the doorstep of my bathroom
"U-um wh-what are you doing here" I said while getting up and wiping my mouth
"I asked your dad if I can come up and he easily let me up here"
"C-can you wait out-outside"
"Oh....ya sorry"
When he stepped out I closed the door and went in total panick mode
What is he doing here, did he see what I just did, what If he tells everyone then people will think I'm a freak all over again then I'll have to mo-
"Um Red, are you ok" he knocked on the door
"Y-yea I'm almost done"
I quickly splashed some water on my face and brushed my teeth then slowly walked out
"Hi" he enthusiasticly said

I awkwardly sat on my bed while he awkwardly stood up
"S-so what did yo-you wanna te-tell me"
"Uh just wanted to ask why you ran away, like did I freak you outbor..."
"Oh sor-sorry I started to pan-panick so I ran"
"Oh did I do something, so you could"
"No not re-really" I lied
"Oh well do you wanna hang out some other time.... Saturday maybe?"
"S-sure and I pr-promise I won't run away this time"
He laughed and said
"Ok I'll pick you up at 4" he happily said and left
What the fuck
I waited a few minutes just to make sure he left then immediately stormed out of my room and went to my dads office
"Why did you tell him he could come up in my room"
"Uh um sweetheart I have a client right now, so can you please get out"
"I'll leave once you tell me why you let him up"
"Let who up I've been here the whole time"
"You let Eva- wait so you didn't let him up"
"Who are we talking about, cause I haven't let anyone around the house"
"Oh, sorry then.... never mind"
I left his office with a confused look on my face

Should I call him and ask?
No then I'd be calling him out or something. Just forget about it and get ready for school tomorrow
And so I went in my room and started looking for an outfit. After 10 minutes I couldn't choose anything so I laid down in my room and just started thinking.

Hey this is the owners bestfrand. Heyy all readerss. And I luv you owner <3

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