How You Meet

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A/N: As usual starting off with this. 


You met Jin while you were out shopping for a new oven after your best friend decided to break yours over the weekend, you came across an aisle with a bunch of cookbooks sitting on so you decided to take a look at what there was to offer. You were about to take one from the tallest shelf when someone beats you to it, you followed the long arm up to meet a gorgeous face which was staring down into yours, you sent the man a soft smile and then went back to looking at cookbooks, feeling a little uneasy about talking to people you don't know. It was never really one of your strong points.

"Do you need this?" A voice questioned from beside you, you looked at the book he was holding and then up to his face again, instantly wanting to blush from the way he was looking at you. He was stunning, anyone could see that.

"No, I was just going to look." He nodded looking through the book, both of you falling into silence again neither of you knowing what to say to one another, it wasn't until your name was called over the store radio that you began to leave.

"Y/N? That's a beautiful name." You smiled brightly at him as you walked over to the counter, he was following beside you as if you knew one another.

"Thanks, what's your name?" You questioned reaching the desk and signing the bits of paper you needed to get the new oven delivered in time. 

"Seokjin, everyone just calls me Jin." You nodded at him and handed the pen back over to the man who looked like he was starting to get impatient with waiting for you.

"Nice to meet you Jin." He glanced at the papers in your hand and then frowned a little,

"A new oven?" You nodded starting to let out a little laugh at the memory of your friend.

"My friend...she's not really great in the kitchen but she wanted to cook for me the other night. Safe to say that she will never be allowed in there again. She broke my oven door trying to open it, then when it broke she wanted to make popcorn in the microwave and let's just say, the old microwave, like most, can't withstand metal inside of it." He began laughing along with you and you shook your head, looking down at the clock.

"Speaking of which, it's my turn to cook tonight so I should head home." You quickly wrote your number down on a bit of scrap paper and handed it to him, not understanding where your sudden burst of confidence had come from but enjoying it anyway.

"Text me some recipes from the cookbook some time." You winked, walking out of the store and going to find your car.


You weren't the best at photography but you knew your way around a camera, you knew what looked good in photos and what didn't, after all, it was just a little hobby you had picked up to pass some time while travelling with friends. Some of your close friends had decided to take a last-minute trip to Paris so you, of course, went along with them, wanting to experience everything you could, that's how it happened. You were snapping pictures of the Eiffel tower when a group of younger-looking men walked in front of your shot, you sighed before going and taking more photos once they had passed, you smiled to yourself going through the pictures, the lights on the tower sparkling in different shots, when you came to one of the group of men you looked through them carefully, all of them were very handsome and one of them was even doing a funny pose, but one of them caught your eye. He was wearing a hoodie, mask and black hair, you shook your head going to delete the photo when you heard someone whine from behind you, you would have dropped the camera onto the floor if it wasn't for the strap around your neck.

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