Kid Interrupts Filming

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A/N: I know Namjoon's isn't really a Run episode but I just had to include it


You told Jin you weren't sure bringing your son along to filming would be a good idea but so far everything had been fine. He was sleeping across some chairs while his dad and his six uncles were chasing each other around a giant toy factory, carrying pig balloons and trying to hide away from Hoseok. It was a pretty chill day, every now and then you would catch glimpses of the guys as they ran past you to find a hiding spot but your son was starting to wake up now and you knew it was going to be hard to keep him away from his uncles since they were all acting like children themselves.

"What's daddy doing?" He asked as you sat him down on your lap, Jin running past you and your son, giving him a small wave before turning into a sprint and hiding down a hallway,

"He's playing hide and seek with uncle Hoseok." You told him, but he tried getting off your lap.

"I'll help daddy hide." You managed to catch him before he chased after his dad and you sat him back on your lap, not wanting to get in any trouble with producers or cameramen.

"No, we have to stay here and be good." He nodded and one of the makeup artists came over, holding up some building blocks for him to play with but he was more interested in watching Namjoon and Jungkook screaming as they ran away.


Jin was hiding behind a child's castle when your son saw him again before you even knew what was happening your son slipped from your grasp and ran out to his dad, hugging him and wrapping his arms around his leg, Jin chuckled and held onto his son looking up when he heard Hoseok coming.

"We have to hide from Uncle Hobi, come on." He bent down and picked up his son, running away from the main area and toward Taehyung who was laughing so hard at Jin and your kid.

"This is cheating!" Hoseok screamed as he caught up to them, Jin knew he wouldn't come after him if he was holding his kid.

"If you get mini Jinnie I get Y/n!" He yelled coming off the set and walking over to you but you were already moving away from him, going to hide behind cameramen so he couldn't get you.

"I made you breakfast this morning, don't touch me." You cried out, making a run for Jin and your son who was laughing at you.

"Hoseok!" You screamed as he caught up to you and picked you up from behind, Jin stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Drop my wife and I'll bring you Jungkook," Jin promised, gaining the attention from Hoseok who was still holding you off the floor in a backwards hug.

"He'll do it, you know he will." You told Hoseok who gently put you down on the ground and stared at Jin, who in return nodded to you and you made a run for it, in the direction of the main cameras and leaving everyone behind.

"CHEATERS!" Hoseok screamed as soon as you were off the set and he couldn't come for you anymore, you bent over a chair trying to catch your breath and you heard the cameramen laughing and talking about how they should have been filming with everyone's kids for a while now and it would make for an interesting episode.


Yoongi had invited you to bring your five-year-old daughter along to the filming of a run episode because Jin and his wife were going to be there, along with their kids so he thought it would be nice for you to hang around with another mum for a while and your daughter to make a friend. But what neither of you had counted on was both of your daughters wanting to join in on the fun, especially when their dad brought the guns out and were chasing each other around on giant bouncy castle.

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