Dysfunctional Family [Hyung Line]

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WARNING: Some things may be triggering to you and if they are I advise you do not read this reaction, WARNINGS INCLUDE: Mention of abandonment, drug use, alcoholism, physical and verbal abuse, death of a family member


You'd never really spoken to Jin about your family problems before, you didn't want to burden him with the information about it but things in your relationship were starting to get serious, you'd been dating two years now and he hadn't met anyone from your family, you kept all your family issues locked away from him, not wanting them to affect how your relationship with him was, you liked the way things were but he was starting to ask questions about your family and home life.

"How come I haven't met them yet?" He asked you one day at dinner, you'd gone round to his apartment for a meal together and the night had gone so smoothly.

"My family, it's complicated." You whispered looking at your phone under the table, it had been ringing ever since you arrived and now you were getting texts from your youngest brother.

"Excuse me," You got up from the table and called back your brother, going to stand in the hallway where Jin couldn't hear you speaking.

"She's there now? She's what?!" You whisper yelled down the phone looking at the clock and then at Jin who was washing up.

"I'll be right there, don't let her leave." You hung up the phone and rushed back into the kitchen,

"Look, there's a family emergency...I have to go," You grabbed some car keys but remembered you'd had two glasses of wine with dinner and groaned,

"I'll drive you," You wanted to say no and scream for him to stay there but you really didn't have any other choice, you knew it was going to come down to him taking you home.

"Please." You whispered not wanting to fight him on this


"Stay in the car, don't...please, don't come in." You pleaded, he had a frown on his face as he noticed an unfamiliar car parked on your driveway, he remembered you mentioning no one in your family could drive so he wondered whose car it was, you leant over kissing him, before rushing inside the house, Jin watching your every move. He was going to stay there, he really was. Until he heard yelling and he got worried about you, he got out of the car slowly making his way up to the house, the front door was open and he heard you scream, he rushed inside to find you standing in front of four kids, one he recognised as your youngest brother, and the other two males and female he'd never seen before.

"You can't just take them!" You yelled at a woman standing behind a sofa, he looked at you, you were red in the face with anger and you hadn't even noticed him there.

"I'm their mother I can do whatever I want!" The woman screamed, now he looked at her she bore some resemblance to you but not much.

"Really?! A mother?! Is that what you call yourself?" You scoffed looking at the kids, your eyes landed on Jin but you didn't let him stop your rant, you turned back to your mother and shook your head at her, she had the audacity to come here after three years of not being there to try and take your siblings away from you and it wasn't going to happen, not without a fight.

"You weren't here! I've raised them! I'm more of a mother to them than you'll ever be!" Jin saw you sister begin to shake from nerves and he moved further into the house, taking her hand in his to try and calm her down a little, nodding his head over to the door, he glanced at you for permission but you were too busy staring at you mum to notice so he walked them outside taking them down towards his car,

"We'll go get ice cream while your sister sorts everything out." He spoke to them as he got them all inside the car, he knew that whatever was going on inside you would tell him about later but right now the kids didn't need to see what was happening, hew knew you could handle yourself, you were good like that.

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