False Lashes

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A/N: I got this idea from @bubbly.bun on tiktok! Her content is good and I think her makeup is amazing she seems like a great girl so go and support her tiktok and this is 100% her idea!


You'd gotten in from work long before Jin did so you cleaned up the house, made him something to eat for when he got in from the studio and then laid on the sofa to rest for a little bit. A little bit turned into two hours worth of sleeping, Jin walked through the front door expecting you to be greeting him but when he saw you asleep on the sofa it made him smile, he knew how hard you worked so he didn't want to wake you up. Instead, he took off his shoes and coat and walked over to the sofa, bending down to pick you up and carry you up the stairs, you shifted in his arms and he smiled at how cute you were being. You were so small in comparison to him and he loved it, he laid you down on the duvet and he noticed your makeup, it wasn't the first time he was going to remove your makeup, he'd done it before when you'd come home drunk from a night out but this was the first time he would be removing the false lashes you were wearing.

"What-" He whispered looking at the lashes and then around the room for your makeup wipes, he'd seen you do this a million times but he always turned away when it came to the eyes. He was biting his lip when he had to remove them, he was scared of hurting you, waking you up or doing it wrong, he carefully lifted the first lash off your face with ease but the second one was a little harder and he hissed as he finally pulled it from your face and you stirred in your sleep, rolling over and burying your face into his pillow. Jin smiled to himself and threw the lashes away into the bin and then came back over to you, tucking you in the bed and then going to have a shower and to eat the food you'd made for him, he treasured how sweet you were. He knew how hard you worked at your job and then you came home to look after him and the apartment you shared, he took him back to when he first understood he loved you more than just a friend and how he realised he never wanted to share his life with anyone else but you.


Stumbling through the front door Yoongi did his best not to let you fall flat on your face, he was already carrying your heels in one hand and you were clinging to his shoulder.

"Come on drunk pants." He chuckled kicking the front door shut and taking you up to the bathroom, everyone always saw him as the cold Yoongi he was portrayed as but you knew better. You knew he was this massive soft boy around you and you adored that he would always be cute with you,

"You're drunk too!" You giggled a little loud but he chuckled as he sat you on the toilet. He'd seen you remove your makeup a million times before so he knew what to do right now,

"You're the best boyfriend ever." You told him in a serious tone but giggling a second after you finished, he started to take off the foundation and then stared at your eyes.

"Just remove them." You grumbled laying your head on the tiled wall beside the toilet and then closing your eyes, Yoongi sighed as he tried to remove them but you would flinch away as it "hurt" you.

"Sit still." He chuckled but you started wiggling around on the toilet so he took you and put you on the floor,

"Still." You looked up at him as he straddled your waist, you stared up at him with your head tilted to the side.

"Is this what it's like to be the guy." He groaned at your comment and then leant down to pulled off the lashes from your face, you kissed his nose when he was finished and then rushed to get up from the floor.

"Your turn." You said taking out a makeup wipe and started rubbing his face, he chuckled as you continuously put the wipe in his mouth and almost into his eye,

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