You Were Overweight In The Past

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A/N: Please know you're all beautiful in your own skin and YOU ARE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! Don't change for anyone but yourself! As long as you are happy with you that should be all that matters. I love you all.


It was the first time Jin was going to be meeting your family and it was safe to say you were beyond nervous because this was your first serious boyfriend and you didn't know how your family was going to be around him and you didn't want him to think they were too weird and walk out, no matter how much he reassured you it wasn't going to happen you were still nervous.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" You mother greeted as soon as you entered the house, dragging him into a hug and smiling at you.

"Your father is still cooking so we have some time to talk." You smiled and went into the kitchen to greet your dad,

"Make sure you don't embarrass me, please...Be normal for once I am begging you." He chuckled and hugged you, promising he would be on his best behaviour and then you heard your mum giggling.

"Oh god," You groaned as you heard your brother starting to laugh along with her, you walked through to the living room and saw that there was a photo album out which normally wouldn't be a big deal but Jin hadn't seen any of you from school and you were hoping it wasn't that exact album but as you entered the living room it was.

"Mum!" You yelled taking the album from her hands and slamming it shut, you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes at the thought of Jin seeing the way you used to look.

"Babe?" You ignored him taking the album to your dad and then rushing out of the back door, trying to calm yourself down before you went back inside to see them, the door opened and you knew it was Jin because he came up behind you and kissed your cheek.

"You okay?" You shook your head looking down at the floor and letting tears fall from your eyes, he pulled you closer to him and rubbed your arms.

"What's wrong?" You scoffed moving away from his eyes and looking over at the kitchen window, your dad was looking out of it and you glared at him.

"You saw the photos, I did everything I could to make sure they didn't come out." You whispered sitting down on the porch swing, Jin followed you over and took hold of your hand.

"You're upset because I saw photos of you?" You looked at him, tears welling up again at the thought of it.

"It was before I lost all the weight, I never wanted you to see them. I never wanted anyone to see them, she told me she would get rid of them but she told me that they're my past and I should be proud." You looked up at the sky trying not to cry so much in front of him but it was hard.

"Baby..." You looked at him and he had his arms open, you slid over closer to him and he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple and sitting back against the swing, kicking his legs up and letting you both rock on it as he spoke to you.

"You know I think you're beautiful no matter what, right?" You ignored him,

"Why did you change in the first place? You look so different." You smiled sadly at the thought of your past,

"I was bullied a lot for my weight...The usual when you're 'bigger' than most people in school or people around you." You leant your head on his shoulder as he linked your hands together, he did this whenever he was listening closely to you.

"I wanted to prove the people around me wrong, that I could be skinny like them and lose weight...I started working out and I liked it a lot, it became a habit rather than a chore and I fell in love with eating right and working out." You said to him turning to look at the door, your father was standing there watching you both interacting.

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