Sad Prompts [Part One]

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You and Jin had broken up you both ended on "good" terms, he told you he couldn't do the long-distance any more that it was too much for him to handle right now, being on the tour and being away from you for so long, he didn't see it as fair on either of you. So from that day you locked yourself away in your apartment, you stopped going onto your social media after seeing many tweets about the breakup, you blocked all comments on your Instagram because it was all getting to be too much for you, every single comment was about him, asking what happened and how you were feeling. You were feeling like shit is how you were feeling. You'd just lost the love of your life, your soulmate, your other half. And he was fine as if nothing happened to him, at first you thought he was just hiding how he truly felt but then all the articles came flooding in, being spotted with different females every other night, spending time with girls he'd promised you were just friends and nothing more, holding hands, wrapping his arm around their waist like he once did with you.

The only person you felt you could go to with something like this was Jimin but you didn't feel comfortable talking to him about one of his best friends, you had been friends with Jimin before dating Jin but it still didn't feel right. They were best friends first before you were in the picture.

"You haven't spoken to me in months and this is what you've called me round for?" Jimin questioned looking at the box at his feet, you knew the tour was over meaning all of them were back home again, you'd packed up all of Jin's things into a box, you were going to take them around but the thought of seeing his face made your heartache.

"I didn't think you would want to talk to me." You lied, he stared at you, you were a mess. Your eyes were bright red from crying, your hair was in a bun and looked like it hadn't been washed in days, maybe even weeks.

"That's bullshit." You kept your gaze on the floor, making eye contact with him was going to be too much for you, you didn't want to start crying in front of him, all your other friends got sick of you crying so you assumed he would too.

"Talk to me." He begged, stepping closer to you but you backed up and hit the wall behind you, Jimin watched as you slid down onto the floor starting to cry, he crouched down in front of you, pulling you into his arms, you sobbed against his hard chest as he patted the bottom of your back with one hand and the top of your head with the other.

"They say it's a broken heart but I hurt in my whole body," You cried, he wanted to cry with you but he knew you just needed someone to listen to you.

Yoongi: You were packing up your things in the bedroom, you and Yoongi had been broken up for months now and it was time for you to move out, you had a shared apartment and stayed there until you found your own place while he stayed at the Dorms away from you. It was time to hand the keys over to him and you knew you were going to have to actually see him to do so which wasn't going to be easy, you hadn't seen each other since the night it happened, the night he ended everything, telling you he didn't want the relationship anymore, that it was more hassle than it was worth and he didn't want to have to justify being out late every night at the studio to you, but you had supported him in every way possible, you understood that his music was everything to him.

It was awkward walking up to the studios with Hoseok, who was normally the bubbly one around you, constantly trying to make you laugh and giggle but now it was silent and weird to be around him. He knew what happened between you and Yoongi, he knew it wasn't good either. He entered the new code to the studio, you noticed it was no longer your anniversary date like it used to be, you didn't pay attention to what it was, you weren't going to need the code any more.

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