Picking Up Your Habbits

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A/N: Hope this is okay for you!!


You were sat with Jin and the boys watching the stage as a presenter began to read out the nominees for an award, an award that the boys were all up for. Namjoon smiled at you and you held up your thumbs up as a 'You got this' sign and he chuckled shaking his head at you. Jin was looking nervous about it and began rubbing the back of his neck, Jimin looked at him and then to you before glancing at Jin again and tapping Jungkook on the shoulder, seeing Jin rubbing the back of his neck was making them both chuckle.

"What?" You whispered to them across your boyfriend Jin who was now staring at the younger boys with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." They whispered staring back up at the stage and trying to act as though what they were laughing at wasn't happening but then you began to rub the back of your neck.

"Okay, what is it?" Namjoon quizzed them but they pointed over at you and Jin and Namjoon began to chuckle this time, both you and Jin stopped and stared at them.

"You've been dating way too long," Yoongi said from behind you, you frowned turning to look at him and he bent down so you could hear him.

"You used to rub your neck whenever you got nervous around us or Jin and now Jin does the same thing." You shook your head not believing them when loud music began to play and their band name was screamed out through the speakers in the building.

"GO ON BABY!" You yelled over the music kissing Jin on the cheek and hugging each of them as they walked towards the stage.

As they gave their speech you kept your eyes on Jin the entire time, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck before he went on to talk and your mouth fell open, he really did start to pick up your habits.

"You were right." You said to Yoongi once they sat back down again, he chuckled and Jin looked at you confused.

"Nothing baby, you did great though." You said taking hold of his hand and running your thumb over his knuckles as a sign of affection and Namjoon smiled at that, not only was Jin picking up your habits but you were picking up Jin's too.


Yoongi was in his studio as always, sitting at his desk and working on some new songs for the album that was due to come out next year. You came along and sat on his sofa with a book, to keep him company...or rather to make yourself feel less lonely since your boyfriend wasn't at home to entertain you.

"Good book?" You looked up to see Jin standing in the doorway looking at you, you nodded and showed him the title.

"The Princess Bride, I've heard good things." He commented you went back to reading the book, getting lost in the second world and forgetting that Jin was standing there watching you and Yoongi concentrating.

"Working hard?" You heard Jin question Yoongi so you looked up to see if your boyfriend was taking a break or if the older one was just trying to get his attention but Yoongi was staring down at some paper, his headphones discarded as he pulled on his ear lobe reading through papers.

"Can't you tell he is by the way he's tugging on his ear." You joked with him, you'd began to notice that whenever Yoongi was concentrating really hard lately he would start to tug on his ear lobe.

"Yeah, he gets it from you." You heard Jin say back to you but you frowned shaking your head, you shut the book and sat up on the sofa.

"I do not pull on my ear...Do I?" Yoongi turned around in his chair, his hands together on his lap now as he didn't want to drawer attention to himself again.

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