You Don't Believe In Love [Part 2]

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A/N: As Ya'll can probably tell by the following I have never been in love lmao


After everything that you went through with Jin you still managed to stay friends with the rest of the boys and you were still friendly towards Jin, of course, you never met up with any of them like you used to you would just catch up over a phone call or text sometimes. It had been a year since you and Jin decided to break up and it had been hard for both of you while you were out trying to figure out what your head and your heart wanted Jin was home trying to fix his heart back together. He was doing everything he possibly could to keep himself busy, writing song lyrics, learning no skills and throwing himself into other things to keep his mind away from you, it wasn't that he hated you it was just if he thought about you for longer than a minute his world would come to a crashing halt and he would remember he could no longer call you his anymore.

"Jin?" You asked looking up to see him standing in front of you he was just as shocked as you were, Seoul was a big city and you'd never ran into each other until today,

"Y/n?" He questioned tearing his eyes away from the phone to meet your eyes, you were dressed in what looked like an office uniform and you looked amazing, better than amazing you looked perfect.

"Wow, small world." You laughed awkwardly not knowing how to act around him anymore, it had been so long since you had a real conversation with him and now you were standing face to face with him and your heart was racing how it used to.

"How have you been?" He quizzed walking with you around the mall to find a quiet spot for you to go and sit together, he would be lying if he said it didn't feel good to be around you again. Just having you near him made him feel at home despite you not being together anymore,

"I've been good, I started a new job." You told him as you found a seat at the furthest part of the mall sitting down next to one another.

"How are you?" At first, the conversation felt forced and both of you were uneasy but once you got into talking it felt good again as if you'd never broken up in the first place and you were just friends now.

"Jungkook told me you wrote a song for the upcoming album...I can't wait to hear it." He smiled brightly before shaking his head at you and grabbing your hands in a rush, a shot ran through your body as his skin came into contact with yours and you stared up at him,

"You don't-Can't-"

"Jin?" You asked with a small laugh and he started shaking his head again telling you that you couldn't listen to it,

"Why?" You already had a gut sinking feeling that the reason why was because the song was about you and why your relationship hadn't worked but he went on to explain it was about all of the feelings he had experienced when he was with you. Jin was never the type to be mean about anything and would never purposely try to hurt anyone so he wanted to create a love song rather than a breakup song.

"You wrote a song for me?" He took out his phone already having the demo on there and he handed you his airpods wanting you to be the first one to listen, it was always the case even when you first started dating he wanted you to get all of the glimpses at everything they did.

"J-Jin it's perfect." You stuttered out handing him back the airpods once the song had finished, you had tears in your eyes as he described all of the ways he loved you in one song and you stared at him thinking about all the things he used to do for you. Breakfast in bed, taking days off to spend with you, holding your hand when he first introduced you to the boys because you were terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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