You Have OCD

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A/N: Please note that this is a request and I did my best to research anything I could to write about and most of the things talked about have come from articles with information about OCD. Love you and hope this is okay to the anon that requested this :) x


You were going out with Jin that morning to have a nice romantic walk along the river and he was looking forward to spending the week off he had with you. Jin watched from the car on the driveway while you locked the door, he smiled when you turned around to catch him looking at you. You walked over to the car before thinking about it a little more and frowning,

"Be right back." You rushed back to the door, wiggling the door handle a couple of times and then going back down the steps and onto the drive.

"Okay, I'm ready." Jin was used to this by now, you'd been dating for a year and he'd picked up on the fact that you did that a lot. You would check that the door was locked multiple times and even when you were out with him you would have it in the back of your mind. He'd asked about it before and you told him about your OCD for checking the locks repeatedly, telling him it wasn't just your front door but your car door and balcony ones too. You'd had it since you were a teenager and no one could pinpoint where it came from but you had it,

"You sure?" You looked at him as he smiled at you, he didn't mind waiting for you to check it again, he made sure that whenever you were going out together he would give you enough time to do what you needed to do to feel better. You glanced in the direction of the front door, biting down on your lip and nodding.

"No, I'm okay. Let's go." You said to him, he took your hand and placed it over the gearstick, holding your hand as he drove was something you did often together, it made you feel closer as a couple and you couldn't believe how lucky you were to find someone as kind and caring at Jin, you hadn't had much luck with exes when they found out about your OCD and knowing Jin was willing to wait for you and add extra time on for you made you feel loved.

"I love you." You whispered as you pulled onto the main road, he smiled at you while he kept his eyes on the road.

"I love you too munchkin." He teased squeezing your hand in a comforting manner and focusing on his driving.


When Yoongi told you he was coming over for lunch with you, you were surprised. He would normally spend all of his lunches alone in the studio because you work from home and he couldn't come to see you, you would end up eating your lunch with the cat.

"You're so organised." He complimented looking over at your desk, you looked up from the plate of food and over to where he was staring. You shrugged your shoulders at him, it was something you'd never discussed with him, your OCD.

"It's nothing." You tried to pass it off, knowing from past experiences that not everyone was accepting of OCD and thought you were "weird" when it was far from the truth. Yoongi got up from the chair and walked over, looking over everything.

"How do you keep it so organised?" He asked going to pick up something from the desk and you yelled out begging him not to touch anything, so he held his hands up in defence.

"Sorry." You mumbled going over to his side and looking over the desk, he wrapped his arm around your waist. Not pressuring you in to talk about it, he knew if you were going to talk you would in your own time.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have touched anything when I didn't ask." You looked at him, wondering why he wasn't giving you 100 different questions about it but you also knew that Yoongi cared about you too much to pressure you. You hadn't been together long but you knew each other like a well-read book.

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