He Gets Jealous Of Another Member

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A/N: I have come to the conclusion I suck at writing jealousy, I'm sorry. Hope this is okay though! Also who else watched the concerts?!


When Jin came home from the studio he didn't expect to hear you giggling loudly in the kitchen, he stepped through the front door and dropped his bag onto the floor, looking around to see Jungkook's things in the porch. He stayed silent and took off his shoes before he walked through into the living room and that's when he heard you laughing, he'd only ever heard you laugh like that when he was making the dad jokes that you loved so much, he continued walking through and saw you sitting on the kitchen side watching Jungkook do something that he couldn't see yet. He smiled to himself, glad that you were getting along with his friends as you'd previously expressed you worry that they all hated you for taking him away from the dorms all the time.

"Kook, I know how to make cookies...It's a full dinner I need the help with." Jin's smiled faded, you were asking someone else to help you cook when he was your boyfriend. He stayed still in the living room so he could see you through the kitchen door, you frowned dipping your finger into a bowl and sucking the batter from your finger, he felt his blood begin to boil as Jungkook took a spoonful of the mixture and slid it into your mouth, that should be him teaching you how to cook, acting cute with food with you.

"I should have just gotten lessons from Namjoon at this rate." You grumbled to him as you jumped down from the counter finally noticing Jin standing there staring at you.

"You're home early." You giggled walking over to him and throwing your arms around his neck and trying to hug him but his arms stayed at his side as he eyed up Jungkook who was nervously trying to think of a way out that didn't involve walking past angry-looking Jin.

"Kookie was just helping-"

"I know what he was doing." You moved away from Jin and stared at the floor, without a word Jungkook left the apartment and you started cleaning up the rest of the unused cookie batter and trying to concentrate on that one task but you couldn't help but feel the burn from Jin coming at you, he was staring into the back of your head as you cleaned up before you realised what was happening he started getting pots and pans from the cupboard and setting them out on the side.

"What are you doing Jinnie?" You questioned loading the dishwasher turning your attention to Jin who was now getting things from the fridge,

"I'm going to teach you to cook...I taught Kookie, I can teach you." You stared at him for a couple of seconds and noticed his ears were still read.

"It's okay Jinnie, I know you're busy with work, Kook can teach me." He tightened his grip on the bowl in front of him,

"I'll teach you, what is it you want to learn?"

"Well Jungkook was going to teach me to make–"

"He's not here I am...What do you want to learn?" You smirked to yourself knowing instantly what was going on, you walked over to Jin and slipped your hands around his waist, hugging him from behind and just relaxing against him.

"I missed you Jinnie." He hummed and turned around to embrace you, he rests his head on yours closing his eyes and trying to remember he had nothing to be jealous about but it didn't stop the thoughts in his head running wild.

"Why did you ask him?" You looked up at him as you stepped away and sat on the edge of the dinning table.

"Why did you ask him to help you when I'm clearly the better cook." You stopped your giggle before it came out, not wanting to make Jin mad.

"I did want it to be a surprise, I was going to learn how to cook your favourite meal and then cook it for you...But your jealousy got the better of you and now I doubt Jungkook will ever talk to me again." You sighed looking over at your phone to see if he'd text you but he hadn't.

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