Mornings Together

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It was the first night Jin had spent back with you, you'd stayed up pretty late the night before because you'd missed him so much, but you both ended up falling asleep in one another's arms like you always did when he came home.

He woke up the next morning earlier than you and smiled as you clung to his chest in your sleep, you'd fallen asleep listening to his heartbeat as he talked softly about the time he'd spent away from you, sparing no detail on everything he'd done, you loved to listen to him speak. Jin managed to sneak out of your grasp to go and make breakfast, he did this whenever he could but most mornings you would spend laid in bed together talking about anything and everything you could manage to talk about. Jin walked through the bedroom door carrying a tray and saw you laying in the same position he'd left you in and chuckled silently putting the tray down on the desk in your bedroom and coming to wake you up, he sat down next to you, tucking a hair behind your ear and smiling as you stirred, squeezing your eyes tightly as you started to wake up, he leaned down and pressed a small kiss on your forehead, you groaned rolling over and trying to pull the sheets over your head but he started attacking you with kisses wanting you to wake up and eat what he'd made you.

"I made breakfast." He whispered tickling your sides, you began laughing and rolled over to face him again, now fully awake since he'd tickled you.

"I hate you." You lied sitting up in the bed and leaning back against the headboard and looking at him.

"Love you too." He said getting up and bringing the tray over to the bed, he'd gone all out on the breakfast for you both to eat, making your favourites.


You'd gone to the studio to see Yoongi, you were wondering when he would come home since it was already 3 am and he wasn't answering his messages so you knew he was working hard but you were worried like any other girlfriend would be. You grabbed your coat and some food for him before heading towards the studio, you stopped outside his door not wanting to interrupt him doing anything important when you couldn't hear him you knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again, nothing. You entered the pin to his door and walked in to find him asleep on the leather sofa, you sighed putting down the food you brought him and went to wake him up, but he grumbled pulling you down onto the sofa next to him which was hard since it was only a small sofa.

"Baby we should go home to sleep." You whispered leaning into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and keeping his eyes shut firmly, you gave him calming down at the sound of his heart beating.

The next morning you heard someone knocking and you groaned against Yoongi's chest wanting whoever it was to leave you alone, Yoongi grumbled something to whoever was banging but it continued until the door swung open revealing Hoseok standing there with a bag of food and some coffee's. you stared at him and then at Yoongi who was still half asleep next to you.

"When did you come over?" He questioned setting everything he'd gotten Yoongi down on the coffee table and going back to the door to leave.

"About 3:30 last night, he didn't come home." You yawned sitting up and going over to the desk to grab the water that was sitting there, Yoongi sat up on the sofa grabbing the coffee Hoseok had brought him and sipped on it looking at you, he hadn't stopped looking at you, the door to the studio shut and you sat on the floor, trying to wake up a little.

"You really came here at 3:30?" You stared at him with a smile on your lips, he couldn't remember pulling you into his arms.

"Yeah, I tried to get you to come home but you were having none of it. Pulled me into your arms." You said laughing at the end, he chuckled showing off his gummy smile which only made you smile more.

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