You're A Bet

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A/N: Hi there! WARNING! That Jungkook's is a little smutty...I didn't mean to take it that far but I wanted to try it out lmao


Jin was never good at keep secrets but there was one he was going to take to the grave with him, that one was about you. It was a dumb thing that he and the boys came up with, they all took bets on how long it would take you to fall in love with him, each of them with their own bets on how long, but what none of them took into account was Jin falling for you as well when he realised he was he called the whole thing off. Told everyone he didn't want to be a part of it anymore and they all agreed to never speak of it again, it was to be taken to their graves and you wouldn't find out about it. That was until Jungkook opened his drunken mouth one night and let it slip to you.

"I'm so glad we told Jin to date you, even if it was just a bet at guys are so happy together." It took a couple of seconds for it to sink into your brain what he'd just said since you were a little drunk too when it finally hit you, you went on the hunt to find Jin and question him on it. He confirmed what the younger boy had said and you told him you didn't want him anywhere near you anymore, to never come back to the shared apartment or see you again.


That was four weeks ago, Jin had made multiple attempts to contact you, trying to see you, explain everything to you but you didn't want to hear it, you loved him and he was just treating you like a joke. The doorbell woke you up one morning, you groaned rolling off the bed and going down to answer it, expecting to see your best friend standing there but instead, it was Jin who pushed his way into the apartment,

"Come in," You said sarcastically, slamming the door and following him into the living room, he must have been talking to you but you weren't listening, you were too busy trying to focus on not throwing up all over the living room floor, you'd been feeling sick all week, your head was pounding and you were starting to get hot and cold sweats.

"Are you evening listening to me?" Jin questioned coming closer to you, you didn't have the energy to step away from him, as soon as he was close enough he could feel the heat radiating off your body, his hand rushed to your forehead.

"You're burning up, get into bed." He said taking your hand in his and walking you up the staircase towards your bedroom, you tried to push him away from you but you couldn't do it, your body was too weak from fighting whatever bug you had.

"You don't get to care for me anymore," You pouted as he laid you down in your bed, covering you with a sheet and going to get you a cold, wet cloth for the top of your head.

"Jin no." You said trying to fight him on this but he sat down on the bed next to you, trying to make sure you were okay, you gave up trying to push him away from you, you felt at ease with him around even if he did do what he did.

"Why did you do it?" You whispered, your eyes closed as you laid on the pillow behind your head, he sighed running his fingers through your hair,

"Because I was an idiot...but as soon as I realised how dumb I was and how much I loved you, I called the whole thing off...We promised never to speak of it again and I know I should have told you about it." He said feeling defeated, you nodded, moving in the bed so you could lay your head on his thighs instead, he didn't know if this was your way of accepting him back but he knew he wasn't going to stop saying sorry or trying to win you back.


The moment the words came out of his mouth you left him, Yoongi told you about his stupid bet with the boys. It was beyond stupid, and it fucked you up. You'd been dating Yoongi for three years when he finally came clean about it,

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