Breeding Kink [M]

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A/N: This is obviously really mature so if you're underage keep scrolling babies!

WARNING: while undressing venus, dress up your penis (In otherwords use a condom and other protective messures)

Mentions: degration, choking, name calling, pet names, daddy kink, cum play


You didn't know what came over Jin all night but he was being handsy throughout the entire meal. It was his idea to go to dinner with the boys and now he was begging to go home, his hand resting on the bottom of your thigh as you spoke with Yoongi across the table.

"Just say you're feeling sick so we can leave." He whispered in your ear as you took a drink from your glass, smiling at Yoongi and ignoring your boyfriend. Jin didn't like that much and decided he was going to make you just as needy as he was, he slipped his hand further up your thigh and began talking to Jimin who was sitting beside him. You didn't think much of it until his fingers graced across your exposed area and you almost choked on your food,

"You okay?" Jungkook asked who was sitting next to you, you nodded and looked at Jin who was talking to Jimin.

"Just a headache-" You stopped yourself from moaning out as Jin slipped his fingers inside of you, curling them and pumping at a painfully slow pace.

"Maybe you should go home." You shook your head at Jungkook and slapped Jin's wrist, trying to get him to stop what he was doing, you had no idea what had gotten into him but you wanted him to stop, as much as it was pleasing you. You were in public and if someone caught you, it would never die down.

"No, I'll be fine. Just need to stay hydrated." You crossed your legs over and Jin took his hand from your lap, bringing them up to his mouth and tasting them without looking suspicious.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You asked once you got into the car, the rest of the boys going home on their own while you and Jin went back to your shared apartment.

"Me? You're the one without panties on and wearing that dress...You know what you do to me." He smirked as he stood outside of the car, he hadn't unlocked it purposively so he could see you getting cold, you loved him but he was such a fucking pervert when it came to you.

"Jin it's cold, I want to go home." You whined and he came closer to you, placing his hands either side of you against the car and pushing your back against.

"I think we can come up with another way to warm you up." He licked his lips and you stared up at him, it was tempting. You and Jin had, had sex everywhere except for your car but it was too dangerous for him. If someone saw his career could be ruined.

"I'll drive since you're so horny tonight." You told him, taking the keys from his jeans pocket and getting into the car, locking the driver's door so he couldn't get in and only on his side. But on the drive home, he didn't stop teasing you his hands rested on your thigh as you drove. Drawing small circles against your skin and inching closer and closer to your core, you bit down on your lip to suppress the whimper that was threatening to escape. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of winning this one.

"You know you want it, I can feel you from here." He whispered in your ear as you hit a red light.

"Fuck this." You moaned grabbing his face and kissing him while you were stuck at the lights, he smirked against your lips and trailed his fingers higher until they were against your core, he began rubbing your bud in small circles and you let out breathy whimpers,

"Find somewhere to park baby." He whispered to you, the lights green now. You pulled away from him and began driving, trying to find somewhere for you to park so he could fuck the brains out of you. You felt yourself clenching around his fingers and he tutted at you,

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