Fake Dating

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A/N: Fuck I made Jin's really ansgty compared to the others im sorry lmao


"It's just for a couple of weeks, a month at the most," Jin told you as he followed you around the restaurant you worked in, your best friend had come running to you about needing to get the press off his back about him and his girlfriend.

"Why not just admit you're dating her?" You grumbled turning around to face him and setting the placemats down on the table in front of you and then going to find your apron for your next shift.

"Because her company won't allow it, they want to keep it hushed up. If you do this I will owe you forever." He told you, taking your hand in his and staring into your eyes. You swallowed hard, having Jin touching you like this was sending your stomach into a whirlwind of front flips and backflips.


"Just say yes, I'll owe you big time." You could never say no to him, there was something about the way he looked at you, or maybe it was because you'd been in love with him since you were teenagers but you couldn't say no.

"Fine, but I want to have a clean "breakup" I don't want to be left in the dark or have anyone hate me." You warned him taking the notepad from the desk and slipping it into your apron, he kissed the top of your head and rushed out of the restaurant.


The plan was working, the press was leaving Jin's real girlfriend alone but they were following you around more. It had been two weeks since you started going out on public " dates'' with Jin, holding hands, cuddling in front of the cameras and acting like a real couple. It was hard for you, you were starting to grow deeper feelings for Jin despite everything being fake and none of the things you were doing being real. He always expressed that he would rather be with his girlfriend which hurt you more than you could ever tell him but you kept your mouth shut. It would be over soon and you wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Things were starting to get a little more complicated as time passed though, you couldn't go into work because it would be crowded full of people asking questions. Your boss ended up letting you go but you didn't tell Jin, you didn't want him to feel bad about it so you were busy looking for another job when you got a phone call.

"Hello?" You asked looking at the laptop screen in front of you, you'd just applied for another five waitress jobs and you were hoping one of them would reply back to you soon.

"Is this Y/n?" You hummed in response to the female voice, knowing it wasn't a job because they would have been more formal about it, you heard a sigh of relief and then the voice began speaking again in a high pitched and whiney tone.

"Good, leave Jin the fuck alone. I don't know what you think you're playing at but he's my boyfriend. If I see one more article about you-"

"Listen, it's fake. He's doing this to get the press off your back so why don't you get the fuck off mine?!" You yelled at her, hanging up the phone and throwing it at the armchair in the corner of your apartment. Jin's girlfriend had done nothing but talk shit about you to Jin the whole time this was happening, deciding it was easier to hate you than to understand why he was doing this for her.


"You told her to fuck off?" Jin asked later that night when you were out on another fake date for the cameras, you were walking along the Han River, talking about what she'd said to you on the phone. You never kept anything from him so you were going to tell him what happened with her.

"She was being rude to me." You scoffed out a laugh but Jin wasn't laughing, he was standing still and staring at you in disbelief.

"I can't believe you."

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