Wearing His Clothes

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It was starting to get late out but you didn't want to move, you were snuggled up against Jin, your boyfriend of four months, he'd invited you round for a movie day since it was his first day off in a while and you wanted to spend as much time as possible together before you had to go back home. Jin noticed how tensed you'd gotten then glanced at the time, then back down at you, you looked so peaceful cuddled against him, he didn't want you to leave.

"Stay the night." He mumbled against your cheek as he planted soft kisses there, you giggled and then looked at the clock, it was really late so it wouldn't be a bad idea if you did.

"What about the boys?" You questioned, you didn't know if the boys would be okay with you staying over, you got along but you don't know if you got along that well.

"They won't mind, go up to bed and I'll clean up." You nodded and rushed off up the staircase towards his dorm room.


You were in the bathroom when Jin came upstairs to find you, so he started getting the bed ready for you both to go to sleep. You'd changed into one of his shirts that was hung up in the bathroom, it was big on you and you could just walk around in that and some underwear, you came out of the bathroom and Jin's eyes landed on you instantly, you weren't looking at him you were looking around the room for your phone, but his eyes widened the moment he saw you standing there in his shirt with nothing else on, your hair up in a messy bun and no make-up, you looked perfect to him.

"Jin is my phone still downstairs?" You quizzed finally looking up to meet his gaze, his eyes still on your body you looked down at yourself nervously and then looked over your shoulder at the bathroom door.

"I can go change if it's not okay?" He chuckled and walked over to you, running his hands along your waist and then up to your face, cupping your cheeks and making you look at him in the eyes.

"You look perfect." He chuckled bending down and kissing you, you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and making sure you were as close as possible.


"Yoongi." You whined from the sofa inside of his studio, it was past 2 am now and you'd started to lose hope on getting Yoongi to go home with you,

"I have to finish this." He grumbled you sighed getting up from the sofa and over to the shelves he had, you took the washbag that was there and some clothes, you walked out of the genius lab and into the hall where Hoseok was walking past the door with a bag on his shoulder.

"He's still working?" You nodded and walked with him towards the toilets, Hoseok sighed and looked at what you were carrying.

"You're staying over?" You laughed softly and nodded,

"If he's going to stay here all night I will too." Hoseok chuckled and reached into his bag, taking out a blanket and handing it to you, you smiled at him and said thank you before going into the bathrooms to get yourself cleaned up again.


Yoongi looked down at the time on his desk, it was late...well early since it was 5 am. He groaned, turning off his PC and spinning around to see you asleep on his sofa, curled up in a ball under a BT21 blanket with one of his hoodies that was normally hung up waiting for him to change into, he sighed and came over to you, bending down and leaving a kiss on your head, you moaned and rolled over on the sofa facing the other-way, he hit the light switched and got down next to you getting under the blanket and wrapping his arms around your waist, scooting as close as possible so he wouldn't fall off the sofa in the night.

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