You're A Self-Made Billionaire

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WARNING: Yoongi's mentions themes of sex...Just wanted to warn you :)


You didn't want to go to the company dinner, you wanted to stay home with your boyfriend Jin, sitting around a table full of boring board directors wasn't your idea of a fun evening.

"Does this look okay?" Jin asked as he came into your bedroom, he was dressed in a black suit with a bow tie and you nodded at him, walking over to him and straightening the bow tie for him. He knew that you worked for a huge company and that meetings like this were important for you to attend but he didn't know you had to be so fancy for them. You were dressed in a backless, red, silk gown and looked as though you were about ready to walk the red carpet with him and he loved that.

"You look stunning tonight." He whispered as he bent down to kiss you on the lips, you blushed and smiled up at him. You didn't know if you should tell him that you were the reason for the meeting. You were the big boss but you didn't think it was important enough, it wouldn't come up during the meeting anyway. So you decided against it, telling him to leave with you now or you'll both be late for the meal.


"Ah! The beautiful Miss Y/L/N, you look like a million bucks!" The American board director said as you entered the private room,

"Which I guess should be a billion!" Everyone in the room laughed except for you and Jin who stood awkwardly in the door waiting to be seated,

"The head of the table for the head of the board." Your assistant said taking you and Jin over to the top of the table and sat you down, you smiled at her and she handed you and Jin a menu before going back to standing in the doorway.

"Head of the board?" Before you could whisper an explanation to Jin someone was clinking their glass and standing up.

"A toast, to one of the most amazing billionaires we know." You smiled at them and they all began clapping their hands and Jin joined in staring at you as you looked at the menu, wanting the night to finish.


"Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked once everyone had left the back room, he'd been off from the moment he found out and now you were worried he was going to be really pissed off at you.

"Of course, I just wanted to wait for the right time. I didn't think they would talk about it tonight." You groaned as you got up from the table, the stupid dress you were wearing getting caught on the chair leg and almost knocking you over.

"So you thought it wasn't important enough to share with me? We've been dating for eight months!" He was right, you should have told him before now but you never found the right time to do it. It was hard to bring it up into a conversation with someone.

"Jin, don't be mad...I was going to, I just didn't know how." You whispered, he relaxed a little hearing you speak so sadly, he walked over to you and titled your head up to look at him,

"I'm not mad, I'm just- Yes, I'm a little mad but I'm just upset you didn't tell me. I'm sorry, I was just blindsided." He sighed and leant against the table, you stared up into his eyes and bit down on your lip.

"Hi Kim Seokjin, I'm Min Y/N and I'm a self-made billionaire living in Korea." You said with a sarcastic smile,

"It just doesn't sound right. I feel like I'm bragging so I keep it all hidden." You groaned, he pulled you closer and laid your head on his chest, running his hands through your hair and kissing the top of your head.

"How about we go home, and just cuddle on the sofa." You nodded at him, glad he wasn't extremely mad at you for hiding something like this from him.

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