He Says Something Mean To You

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A/N: I'll give someone a huge hug if they know the song referenced within the middle of Taehyungs....Hope this is okay for you ✨🌷💜


Being away from Jin was hard, you both loved each other very much so when you finally saved up enough money you decided to fly out and surprise him on tour thinking it would be a nice surprise but you were wrong. Jin was stressed out on tour, he was worrying about everything happening around him and now you were there adding to his stress levels, all he wanted to do was cuddle you and spend time with you but the schedule just wouldn't let him which led the fight in the middle of the hotel room,

"Jin I just asked what time you had to be there." You said as he paced around the hotel room, running his hands through his hair as he turned red in the face.

"I'm busy! I'm fucking busy to get used to it!" You jumped back as he raised your voice at you and nodded, knowing it was time to shut up and not talk to him. You knew when he was in a bad mood or stressed out it was best to stay out of the way and so you sat on the bed and waited for him to leave but he was still rambling on.

"I get it Jin," You whispered and he snapped, it was as if someone had replaced your boyfriend with someone you didn't recognise anymore and now he was blinded by anger and stress,

"You don't get it and you never will. You're not used to this lifestyle, just go home! No one wanted you to come and see me least of all me." He yelled and you felt your heart shatter at the bottom of your stomach, without another word he walked out of the room and you rushed to get up from the bed, packing up everything you'd brought with you and began looking for your passport if that's how he felt you couldn't be around him anymore.


Jin came back to the hotel room after practise expecting to find you still laying in the bed but he noticed all of your things were gone, nothing was in the room except for his clothes, he began calling your phone but it was going to answerphone.

"She's at the airport," Jungkook said as he looked at his phone to see Jin rushing out of the hotel, you'd told Jungkook that you were going home and not to tell Jin but he wasn't about to lie to the man that had helped raise him.

"Thanks!" Jin yelled as he reached the elevator doors and got inside, not giving up on your phone number and leaving messages for you.


"Thank you, please enjoy your flight." You began walking through the terminal when you heard someone screaming your name, you ignored it thinking you were going crazy when a hand grabbed your wrists and was attempting to pull you back out of the terminal, you followed the hand up to the face and Jin was standing there panting and sweating.

"Where are you going?" He asked as you got out of the terminal and stood near the side of the door, being watched by people who were boarding the plane.

"Home. I know when I'm not wanted." He thought back to that morning and felt bad,

"I didn't mean it-"

"Yes, you did. You never say anything you don't mean." You told him as you pulled your carry on bag over your shoulder, you were being watched by everyone who was passing by.

"We'll talk about it when you're home from tour." You told him but he shook his head,

"We'll talk about it back at the hotel." Your name was called out by the stewardess and you knew you had to get on the plane.

"I have to go." You told him but he wasn't letting go of you and you knew Jin would stand his ground all night if he had to.

"I won't hesitate to carry you back to the hotel." He threatened and you stared at the stewardess who was now shutting the terminal door, it was too late to get on the plane and you were going to have to go back with Jin.

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