You Faint Backstage

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A/N: Okay so Namjoon's is possible because YA GIRL did it not once, but twice by accident and it's the worst feeling ever


You'd flown out to surprise Jin and the boys, you'd been missing them all as if they were your kids which since you were dating Jin was kind of true. You were waiting backstage while they were finishing up their last set of songs, the stage managers were all coming to talk to you when Jin spotted you from his spot on the stage, you waved and he smiled brightly mentioning to fans that you'd come to see him. Your relationship had been out to Army for a year now, you'd been dating for five years and you both decided it was time to stop hiding it and bring it out to them, especially since you were engaged and it was going to be hard hiding a marriage from Army, you swore some of them could have worked for the FBI or something, all of them training to be secret spies.

"Y/n? Everything okay?" The main stylist you'd known just as long as Jin asked as she noticed you holding your head, you nodded and she watched as you stumbled backwards.

"Get a doctor." She yelled to someone around her, you started to blank out everything around you sounding further away than it was and you couldn't concentrate on what the stylist was asking you.


You woke up in a hospital bed with Jin by your side, he was asleep in the chair dressed in his Fake Love outfit from the stage, you groaned as you sat up. Jin woke up instantly and stared at you as he noticed you were awake.

"How are you feeling?!" He rushed out and you smiled at him,

"Fine. Why am I in a hospital bed?" You asked with a small laugh in your throat but the door opened and a nurse walked in carrying a clipboard with her.

"Ah, you're both awake, good." She put the clipboard down on the end of your bed and began to explain why you'd passed out backstage,

"Low blood pressure?" You questioned as she read off the chart, she nodded and then looked at Jin,

"Your partner gave us permission to run some tests on your behalf and I have the results." You urged her to continue and she flipped the clipboard over and began looking through it,

"It seems congratulations are in order, you're pregnant." Both Jin and you stared at her in shock, your mouth hanging open and Jin's eyes widened as soon as he heard the word pregnant.

"You're around 2 months along, I'll leave you to talk about." Two months seemed right to you, it was the last time you were with Jin and you'd had a night together, you turned to look at him and he was staring at the floor.

"Jin I'm sorry-"

"Sorry?" He questioned, you couldn't read his expression so you just nodded and stared down at the bed,

"I'm going to be a dad!" He screamed jumping up from the chair and talking to fast you couldn't understand a word he was saying, he took out his phone and began calling Namjoon to ask for parenting books and then he was making plans about telling family members while you were still trying to process the fact that you had a baby inside of you.

"We're going to be parents." You giggled as you ran over your stomach and looked at Jin who'd relaxed now, joining your side and placing his head on your stomach, both of you in awe about it.


The staff member led you through the back of the concert, you'd been flown out by Jin and Taehyung as a nice surprise for your boyfriend Yoongi. You'd been dating for a year and it was the first time you'd ever gone to surprise him on tour, it was safe to say you were more than excited to see him. It had been a month since you last saw one another and you were dying for one of his famous hugs, despite the fact that you were feeling a little sick and dizzy you were happy to be there, you put the dizziness down to the fact that you'd been on a plane for who knows how many hours and came straight to the venue without stopping at a hotel first.

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