You're Caught In A Compromising Position With Another Member

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A/N: I tried to make these as different from one another as I could manage, even got one of them from a friend of mine lmaoooo she knows who she is. PLEASE NOTE! That I will also be working on some posts that are requests but if you have put in a request I'm working on them, I like to do them in the order they were requested in though, so please be patient. Love you!


Jin had taken the day off work to come and see you, you'd been complaining that you were lonely to him all week and he'd managed to take the day off to come around and see you like the good boyfriend he was, he let himself into your apartment with the key you'd given him back when you first started dating and went up the stairs to find you, he knew you wouldn't be in the living room because all the lights were off so the only other place was upstairs. As he was about to walk through into your bedroom he heard you groaning loudly, he frowned his hand hovering over the doorknob as he tried to listen to what you were doing, he raised his other hand to knock on the door when he heard a male voice in the room with you, he froze. Angry, sadness and hurt raging through his body as you let out another breathy groan,

"You like that?" He heard the other voice say, he knew that voice though...It was Tae. He couldn't believe it, Tae and his girlfriend were sneaking around behind his back, he didn't bother to knock he slammed the door open and you screamed trying to cover yourself up and Tae stood against the wall clutching his chest,

"Jin!" You yelled trying to calm your breathing down and he stared at you taking in the view, you were wearing a bikini top and jeans and Tae was fully clothed.

"I thought-" You stared at him wanting him to continue talking but he was now blushing, his ears turning a bright red as he realised you were cheating on him with his band member.

"Tae came to give me a back massage and he cracked my spine for me." You said looking at Tae and slipping your shirt back on, Tae nodded in agreement.

"We'd never do anything to hurt you Hyung." He said to Jin trying to bring light to the situation, Jin did remember you saying how much your back was hurting but you didn't want him to crack it because you knew how much he hated the sound of bones cracking.

"I thought you were-" You giggled at him and walked over to his side, leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

"I would never, ever, hurt you like that Jin." You promised, kissing him again and earning a fake gag from Tae.

"I'll leave." He said before leaving the bedroom, Jin chuckled at Tae being so childish and looked at you.

"I brought food and some movies, I'm all yours this weekend." He said as you walked down the stairs together, you hugged his side before going into the kitchen to get plates ready for your food.


Yoongi noticed you'd been acting odd with him for the last week, you stopped going to see him at the studio claiming you were too busy to go and see him which he didn't mind because he understood you had your own life but it was when photos of you and Namjoon began to surface that he started to get a little worried, fans spotted you shopping together, going to cafe's together and eating food but the last straw was when you were spotted heading into a hotel building together, coming out three hours later with giant smiles on your face, he wanted to ask you about it but he also wanted to see what was going on for himself so when you told him you were going to be at work all day he decided to follow you around.

He'd followed you back to Namjoon's apartment and stood outside the door after you went inside, it felt wrong to be following you around like this, he trusted you with his life but there was something inside of his gut telling him it was wrong.

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