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A/N: It's not just me that's creeped out by hospitals right?


You were feeling sick all week but you weren't going to let that stop you from doing anything, you had a surprise birthday party to plan for, and an exam coming up. You couldn't risk taking any sick days off, so you were currently in the mall looking for the perfect gift for your boyfriend, Jin, it had to be perfect or you couldn't give it to him. You were currently on the phone to your best friend, Jimin, talking about something you could get for Jin when you were hit with a dizzy spell,

"Y/N? You okay?" You heard Jimin's faint voice ask from the other line, you leant against a wall and hummed back at him.

"Yeah...Just a little tired. I should go and eat something." You mumbled you hadn't eaten in two days, it's not that you didn't want to eat, but every time you did you ended up being sick, the sickness bug you'd caught was taking everything out of you, draining you and now you were starting to feel the effects of it.

"Maybe you should come back to the dorms, we can go shopping together tomorrow." You groaned holding your head.

"Jimin I have to do this today, I have to study tomorrow." He sighed and let you go and try to eat. None of them knew you were sick, you weren't about to spoil Jin's birthday because you caught a small bug that would be gone within a matter of days.


"Y/n?" You looked up from your plate to see a girl around your age standing in front of you, a giant smile on her face, you smiled back at her not wanting to seem rude and she asked you for a selfie.

"Me? But Jin's not here." You said with a small laugh, you were used to people coming up to Jin when you were together but not when you were alone.

"I just think you're awesome,"

After taking a few photos she sat down with you to eat and she noticed you weren't eating anything, and you were pale.

"You feeling okay?" You shook your head and sipped on the bottled water you'd bought.

"Little under the weather," You answered biting down on your lip, even the thought of eating right now was making you nauseous.

"Maybe you should head home...You're starting to sweat." She was right, you nodded and got up from your seat, she offered to help you get to the taxi bay so you wouldn't have to walk alone and you thanked her.

"It's nothing, do you need me to call anyone on your phone? Let them know you're not well?" You shook your head, about to get into the taxi when another Dizzy wave hit you, this time it blocked your vision and you felt heavy.

"Is she okay?" You heard someone asking from beside you, you groaned and opened your eyes. You were sat in a hospital bed, Jin, the girl from the mall and a doctor all standing around you, you looked at Jin and he looked pale, almost as pale as you.

"She's just got a small bug, I've given her some medication, hopefully, it'll bring her appetite back and she'll be as good as new." The fan noticed you were awake first and nudged Jin's arm, he instantly came closer to you and touched your forehead, checking your temperature, you pushed his hand away and reached for the glass of water.

"Your lucky Kaitlyn was here with you, if you'd have fallen without her there you might have hurt your head." The doctor excused himself and you thanked Kaitlyn for bringing you to the hospital.

"I don't know how I could ever say thank you enough." You joked sipping on your water and looking at Jin, he was staring down at you and playing with your hair.

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