You Don't Believe In Love

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WARNING: Jungkook's contains hints of smut.

A/N: ​ hope this is okay for you


Jin was in the kitchen making something for you both to eat and you stared at him, the way he danced around a little whenever he did something right and then turned to look at you and start singing lovingly. You'd been together for four months now and everything was great with him, he was perfect in every way possible but you, on the other hand, were sat there second-guessing everything you did with him. You'd been in relationships before but none of them had ever been serious except for one, and it was one that destroyed your soul.

"Pancakes?" He called out waking you from your daydream and looking back to him, he was holding a spatula in his hand and smiling at you and you nodded at him.

"Sure." You whispered looking at him, he turned away from you and continued making the banana pancakes he was famous for. Your friends were all telling you about their relationships, picturing their futures with the people they were dating but you couldn't even see tomorrow with Jin. You were living every day with him as though it was your last, you didn't know when he was going to end things and you didn't want to get sad again when he did eventually leave you.

"You're thinking hard, what is it?" He asked as he brought in a plate of pancakes for you both, you stared at the pancakes and then back up to his face. He had his usual bright smiling face was looking at you and you were trying to think of him in your future,

"Do you ever think of marriage?" You blurted out and his eyes widened, head tilting to the side as you'd never really spoken about things like this together before.

"Sometimes...Do you?" You shook your head frowning at yourself, you'd never pictured yourself marrying anyone since your first engagement with your ex.

"No?" You could tell by the sound of his voice that you'd hurt him and you didn't want to hurt him but if you couldn't even picture marriage was there a point to the relationship. You were both adults and it should be what you were thinking about, but all you could think was your past.

"I think I should go-"

"No, why?" He questioned trying to get you to stay but you were standing up and trying to make your way out of the apartment Jin took your wrist into his grasp and stared at you.

"Talk to me." He whispered standing up from the floor and coming to face you, you looked up at him and your brows knotted together.

"You can picture a life with me? Kids? Marriage?" He nodded and cupped your face, he was confused as to what you were trying to get at. That's when he noticed you were tearing up and he rubbed your wrist to try and comfort you but it only made you feel worse, the fact that he could picture all of that with you and you couldn't even picture tomorrow.

"I love you." He told you and that was all it took, your world came crashing down around you and you felt your heart shatter, you couldn't say it back to him you stared into his eyes and then at the floor.

"I have to go." You muttered moving his hands off your skin but he grabbed you again not wanting you to leave without answers,

"What's going on? Talk to me," You'd been open with him before about your relationships but not the main one, no one really knew about that unless they were in your life at the time when it happened.


"Talk to me." He repeated and sat you on the sofa with him, you gawked down at your hands that were locked together on his lap and you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat.

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