You Meet One Another In Malta

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A/N: I changed how Jungkook dyed his hair for the sake of the reaction post ALSO if people would like I will start putting ''keep reading'' on these as well?


You'd been staying in Malta for the last month and it was starting to feel like a home away from home. You knew the place you were staying in like the back of your hand and you knew where everything was, so it was easy for you to spot when someone looked lost and it was one of the second reasons you noticed Jin. He was staring around as he looked up and down from a map, his eyebrows furrowing together as he got more and more confused with each second, you debated going over to him but he was way too handsome for you to just walk up to him and start talking, so you went back to reading your book. Trying not to think about him but his face was stuck in your mind, his sharp eyes and his fluffy blonde hair, you bit your lip looking up from the book only to come face to face with him as he sat down next to you on the wall.

"Do you want some help?" You questioned before you could stop yourself, he turned to look at you with a confused look and nodded.

"Where are you trying to go?" You questioned taking the map from his hands, he was focussing on your hands. The way they delicately closed the hardback book you were reading and took the map from his hands. Softly brushing against his skin. He'd noticed you before, he'd seen you sitting in the same spot yesterday with a different book, but he stayed away from you. He figured you were already taken, no one as beautiful as you should be single, besides him but that was because of contracts he had.

"Oh, I'm trying to get to St John's co-cathedral," You looked from the map up to his eyes and you smiled, pointing out where he needed to go but he wasn't listening, he was too busy watching the way your lips moved when you spoke.

"Did you get that?" He snapped out his daydream and shook his head, you giggled softly.

"I can walk you if you like?" He nodded and helped you stand up from the floor, you brushed off your shorts and placed the book in your bag.

"I'm Y/n," You told him, holding out your hand to shake his and he shook yours,

"Seokjin...Call me Jin." You nodded and slowly started walking together towards the co-cathedral, talking to him about what he was doing in Malta.

"Filming for a show, what about you?" You looked up at him,

"I'm staying here for a couple of months, visiting family." You told him as you rounded a corner, he nodded and began questioning you on your life. He'd never met someone he wanted to know so much about, but he wanted to learn everything he could about you. There was just something about you that made him crazy. After he'd seen you the first time he couldn't get you out of his mind, you were just sitting along the wall with a book, you didn't look up when there was screaming or when something dramatic happened, you were in your own world and there was something about that, that drew him in.

"Is there anything you think I should go and see?" You nodded, listing off a bunch of tourist spots you'd visited when you first came to Malta, telling him you would write it down for him.

"You could always text them to me...Or take me." You nodded at him and he took out his phone, handing it to you for you to put your number into.

"I'll text you later." He told you as you reached the co-cathedral, standing there were three other guys waving for him to hurry up,

"Have fun." You told him, watching as he ran off to his friends, all of them turning to look at you as you walked away with a blush on your face.


Jungkook and Yoongi decided to go out together for a drink, all of the boys were off doing their own thing. You were working the bar that night for another shift, your boss called telling you he was sick and you had to cover, so of course, you did, you didn't expect much since it was a Wednesday night and not many people came in on a Wednesday so you took a book to keep you company when two guys around your age walked through the door. You put the book down and smiled politely at them, and they started talking to each other in Korean trying to decide what to order. Once they looked like they were ready you walked over to them,

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