You Have A High Alcohol Tolerence

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A/N: This is okay fun!!


Jin groaned as you opened the curtains to the bedroom smirking over at him as he pulled the covers over his head. You'd all gone out for a couple of drinks, and everyone knew that one drink would lead to more especially when it was with seven boys who didn't normally get to go out for drinks together. As usual, you were the sober one since you didn't get drunk no matter how much you drank along with them, you knew why but you hadn't told Jin, you never wanted to "ruin" the fun on a night out.

"How come you never get hangovers?" He grumbled as you pulled the covers from his body and sat him up straight handing him the orange juice and same painkillers telling him to take them,

"I'm special." You whispered in his ear, going to bring up the breakfast you'd made for him going down the staircase and bringing up his breakfast on a cute tray and fetching it to the bedroom, finding Jin holding the pillow over his eyes making you giggle.

"I'm serious, how do you get away with it?" You sat down next to him on the bed and stole a slice of his toast, biting into it and taking a drink from your coffee cup and looking at him, he was staring up at you and looked sick.

"I never really get drunk Jin." You told him looking at your phone and then at him, he was in deep thought after what you'd just said, you'd go out with them all the time and drink, you'd been drunk.

"You've been drunk plenty of times." You shook your head at him, urging for him to eat the toast he'd been avoiding.

"I haven't, I pretend to be drunk with you so you won't feel bad." You told him looking away from your phone to him, he reached over and took his glasses off the nightstand and put them on his face looking through his phone at the memories from the night before.

"I have a high alcohol tolerance, takes a lot for me to get drunk." You laughed as he groaned from moving his head too quickly to keep up with what you were saying,

"Never been drunk?" You shrugged your shoulders,

"Once or twice when I turned the legal drinking age, but that's it." Jin was shocked by it at first but then he nodded slowly, starting to understand.

"Well, predrinks for you it is then. I need to see what you're like when you're really drunk," You giggled at him and laid your head on his shoulder,

"Eat something and drink this." You handed him an energy drink, you knew what to do. You'd nursed plenty of friends with hangovers so it was nothing new to you. He grumbled something at you but did as he was told,

"If you're good I might even get the nurse outfit out." You teased going off to the ensuite for a shower.


Yoongi watched as you downed another shot with Jimin at the bar, they'd rented out a bar for the night to celebrate their new album and you were having a blast. Going from dancing with Yoongi to drinking at the bar with Jimin, he was the only one of the seven boys that could keep up with your drinking habits, you giggled as Jimin started wobbling a little and Yoongi stood up to come over to you, starting to worry that you were drinking too much.

"Maybe we should go home?" You turned to look at him and frowned,

"Go home? Are you tired baby?" You cooed looking over at Jimin as he sat down on the barstool across from you. Yoongi looked at Jimin and then to you,

"How is Jimin almost on the floor and you seem like you've only just gotten a buzz?" You pulled him closer to you and kissed his cheek,

"I don't get drunk baby, I get buzzed but not drunk." You told him as he walked you over to the bathrooms, you stared at him for a couple of seconds and smiled.

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