Dysfunctional Family [Maknae Line]

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WARNING: Some things may be triggering to you and if they are I advise you do not read this reaction. WARNINGS INCLUDE: Mention of abandonment, drug use, alcoholism, physical and verbal abuse, death of a family member


"Jimin I can't come tonight, I want to but I can't." You said down the phone as you packed up an overnight bag, you were throwing in a bunch of your mum's clothes, trying to find a book for her to read and then some bathroom supplies.

"What's going on? You've been avoiding me all week." You stopped in your tracks and looked at the phone, his voice wasn't coming from the other end anymore he was standing in the bedroom door watching your every move.

"Jimin...I said don't come round here." You whispered looking at the state of the house, it was a mess, ever since your mum got admitted into hospital you'd been all over the place trying to keep your sibling going to school and work, as well as cooking, cleaning and trying to get back and forth to the hospital all the time for the check-ups.

"What's going on? Why are you packing?" You knew you couldn't avoid the subject anymore so you decided to tell him, you continued packing though, you didn't have time to sit around.

"Mums been admitted, she's sick, really sick. The girls are at dance school, the boys are in a football club and I have to get to the hospital in the next hour or I don't see her." You said throwing the bag over your back and looking out of the window, the bus you were aiming the catch left.

"Where's your dad?" You wanted to break down and cry, you turned to look at Jimin and then at the empty drawers, he'd walked out on you as a child, wanting nothing to do with any of you or your siblings, he saw you and avoided you, you began to tear up at the thought of him. He'd seen you many times before but avoided you, you'd never told Jimin about your dad before, scared he would judge you for it.

"He left us when we were kids." You managed to whisper out to him, feeling guilty that you hadn't told him any of this before now.

"I'll give you a ride come on." He took your hand in his and walked with you out towards the car, you both stayed silent as you walked.


"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned once you were back home, the doctor mentioning that your mum was recovering fast and at a good rate, she should be out by the end of the week but to take it easy.

"I didn't want you to see us falling apart." You whispered, finally putting the final load of washing into the machine and going to start cooking, but Jimin stopped you.

"Look, I'll cook tonight, you go and have a bath or a shower, then we'll have dinner with your siblings and put them to bed." You nodded and kissed him on the lips, wondering how you ended up with someone so perfect and kind.


It had been a few months since the incident, your mum was back to her healthy self, she was working again, your siblings were in better moods because she was home and your relationship with Jimin was stronger than ever, you were all having a meal together at home when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, it's probably desert." You said grabbing your purse from the counter and going over to the front door, you swung it open to reveal your dad standing there with a bag on his shoulder.

"Who is it?" You heard your mum yell, you turned your head to them.

"No one, stay here." You pushed him down the steps, he stumbled but stayed upright, you shut the front door behind you and kept pushing him until he was out of the gates of your house.

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