You Get Sick While You're Married

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A/N: I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you had in mind but I used a lot of illnesses me or someone around me have been through to help with this and I'm sorry it took so long, I did a lot of research to make sure what I was writing was correct

A/N: I didn't want to use the current virus/sickness/illness that is happening around us as I didn't want to come across as insensitive to those who are suffering with it or that are effect by it by writing about it. I hope you understand


Jin stared at you as you laid on the bed, you hadn't moved all week and he was starting to get worried about you. It was lucky that the kids were at school and you could relax for most of the days to help yourself feel better but you were starting to get worse. He knew the symptoms and he knew you knew them too but neither of you were prepared to say anything, whenever you thought about it you just got flashbacks to when you first started dating Jin.

"You feeling any better?" You shook your head and he laid the tray down in front of you, taking your temperature and giving you some water, he wanted to take you to the hospital and get you seen to but he knew he couldn't do that while the kids were home,

"I'll call Namjoon to pick up the kids, and then call Hoseok to remind Namjoon to pick them up. You're not okay." He didn't even give you time to protest, which was a good thing in his book because he knew you were going to refuse to go, claiming it was nothing and it would all pass over but he knew that was wrong, he knew you weren't okay and needed to be seen to, images from the past came flooding back to him with every passing second.

You'd only been dating for a couple of months and now you were laid upon Jin's sofa, saying you were fine when you looked like death. Your lips were a blue colour, your face was flushed and you couldn't eat anything which wasn't you at all. Jin made the decision to drag you to the hospital once you were unable to form sentences, much to your disgust but you couldn't voice your opinion because whenever you tried to talk it would come out in the form of slurs as if you were drunk except you hadn't touched a sip of water much less alcohol. The doctor who saw you had you attached to machines while they ran tests, they fed you through a tube and kept you topped up on fluids but Jin wasn't allowed into the room while they worked around you, he had to stay outside while he waited for results. You were passed out on the bed while the doctors rushed around your body and it was worrying Jin because no one was saying anything, they all stayed silent and when they did talk it was all in code so nurses could note down something and leave the room again only to come back with more machines.

"We're just going to take some blood tests and then you can go and sit with her." A nurse said to Jin when she came out of the room for the sixth time in the last five minutes.

It was lucky Jin dragged you to the hospital when he did otherwise you wouldn't have known what was wrong with you, your kidney's had gone down to functioning at only 23%, you were awake now and Jin was sitting with you when the doctor delivered the news, informing you that you could have died if you'd waited one more day and it was reckless to not come and see him sooner, you were placed under surveillance at the hospital, with a saline drip to avoid getting dehydrated, Jin made sure you knew he wasn't going to go anywhere, even though the hospital nurses told him multiple times to go home as there was nothing he could do by being there and that visiting times were over but he didn't want to leave your side. Not even for a second.

"Your results are showing that your Kidney's are failing again," The doctor said as you sat up in the bed, your hands linked with Jin's as the doctor ran through your chart,

"But from before we know that Mr Kim is a match for you and is in healthy condition to do the operation...If you would be willing to go through with it." Jin was nodding on your behalf but you were trying to shake your head in protest, you didn't want him to lose a kidney because one of yours was failing to work.

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