You Talk About Your Past Experiences [TW]

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WARNING!: There is talk about a subject that some people may find triggering, I made this include nothing of descriptions as I know myself how triggering this subject is as someone who has a personal history with the happenings inside of this reaction post please. Please do not read this if you're uncomfortable, I love you guys so much. This is of course a reaction post and is intended to be read as fiction but what is said within in this is a very much real subject so please be aware if you do continue to read it. I love you guys and if this triggers anybody let me know right away and I will delete it INSTANTLY. That being said I am extremely hesitant to write about this subject much like I was with another post of mine so I hope this is okay.A/N: For obvious reasons no one is tagged in this post.


You were having a movie marathon with Jin, you'd agreed to have a nice night in with him since it was the week before he left for tour and you were going to spend as much time together as possible. You'd been dating for three months now and everything was perfect.

"I figured we could binge a series." You nodded not taking notice of what series he put on until it was too late, the music started and you instantly knew what movie series it was. You stared at the screen and felt your heart pounding as the music continued and then the scenes began to play, Jin was so lost in the movie he hadn't noticed how tense you'd become.

"I'll be right back." You got up from the sofa and went towards the bathroom,

"I'll pause it."

"No, it's fine." You yelled back getting into the bathroom and sitting on the floor. You leant your head against the tiled wall and tried to cool yourself down, trying to remind yourself that it was just a movie and what happened before wasn't happening again but it was hard.

The knock on the door alerted you and you called out Jin's name through your tears and he opened the door dropping to his knees beside you, he didn't ask questions he just pulled you into his body and held you.

"Breathe with me, come on." He coached you through your breathing and you followed along with him as he rubbed the small of your back.

"You're fine, everything is fine. I'm right here." He repeated and continued to talk to you about anything he could think that would distract you from what you were already thinking about.

"I have to talk to you about it," You whispered to him pushing yourself away from his chest and wiping your eyes if you didn't do this now it wasn't going to get done and it had to be.

"Anything, you can talk to me about anything you know that." He assured you, you took his hands in yours and sighed looking up at him. You bit down on your lip and took in a deep breath, you hadn't spoken to anyone about it since it happened but Jin had to know, especially if things were him were going to continue getting serious


After you told Jin about the reason you freaked out was that the movie series was what was playing during something you'd experienced and watching them movies only brought everything rushing back to you.

"Come on, I'll go and get us something to eat." He told you as he helped you up from the floor. After swearing to himself when you told him what happened and holding you tighter and promising he would never let you go until you told him to.

"I really just want to fall asleep next to you." You told him as you got up from the floor, you weren't hungry you were tired out from the panic attacked and wanted to fall asleep next to the sound of his beating heart.

"That's fine, we'll go upstairs and sleep." He promised you, kissing the top of your head and smiling at you. You were glad you had someone you could confide in and tell everything to, you'd never trusted anyone with the information before and it felt good to get it all off your chest to someone who really cared about you.

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