Bittersweet Song [Part 2]

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A/N: I'm sorry some are shorter than the others I'm unwell at the moment


The interviews were set up without yours or Jin's knowledge, it was set up between higher management and you were being forced into talking on live TV together. Something you'd never imagined of doing in all your years of being an Idol. Before the interview was starting you had 20 minutes alone in your changing room, you were spending those twenty minutes contemplating how long down a jump it was from the window and if you could jump it without hurting yourself,

"Y/n?" You jumped hearing a voice coming from the other side of the door and you knew that voice anywhere,

"Jin?" You whispered rushing over and opening it, he walked in and you shut and lock the door behind him. Neither of you had spoken since the breakup and this somehow felt natural to be alone in a room with him again, as if the breakup had never happened.

"What story have they given you?" Of course, he was only there to make sure you weren't going to mess it up for him.

"Oh..." You walked over to the changing table and took the sheet of paper your manager had handed to you before, the story was that it wasn't about him and the reason you were both staring that night is that you were thinking of future projects together.

"The same as mine." You nodded and put the sheet on the coffee table, he was sitting on the leather sofa with his paper in his hands, you didn't dare sit down next to him. You didn't know how to act in this situation.

"Was that all you came by for?" You questioned, it came out a little harsher than you intended but it cut right to the point, you wanted to know why he was still sitting there.

"No," You watched as he got up from the sofa and walked over to you, you didn't move you just stared up at him as he wrapped an arm around your waist. You felt your pulse quicken at the small action and he smirked as he noticed how your breathing began to pick up as soon as his skin came into contact with yours,

"You still love me..."

"What kind of dumb statement is that? Of course, I still love you, I wrote a whole album about our love and I'm still not over you-" Your words were cut off by his lips on yours, your arms wrapped around his neck and he picked you up from the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his legs and he walked you over to the wall to hold you against it, you'd missed his touch, his warmth, his lips. You'd missed everything about him there was, he smirked as he felt your legs shaking against him and he knew he could still make you weak,

"Fuck, Jin...I miss you." You panted as you pulled away from him, he kept your body pressed against the wall as he held you in place, he stared up into your eyes.

"I miss you too Y/n." He admitted turning to look at the clock on the wall, you had ten more minutes until someone would come looking for you both to get the show started,

"I don't want to go out there and pretend I don't know something I do." He admitted and you felt your heart speed up once more, he placed you down on the ground and you straightened the light blue cocktail dress you were wearing.

"You don't?" He shook his head and bit down on his lip,

"I was talking to someone," Someone meaning either Namjoon or Yoongi, the only two people he'd ever trusted with information about your relationship.

"They think we should make it known that it was about me and announce that we're back together..."

"Back together?" You questioned looking at him and he nodded back at you, getting back together with Jin would have been the best thing to you but being back together with him could also mean losing everything.

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