Pasta Crack Prank

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A/N: I hope this is okay, I did this prank to my little brother and I have never seen him move so quick away from me before lmaoooo


The boys were getting annoyed by the pranks that Jin had been giving them all week and decided it was time to take matters into their own hands and by their hands they meant yours. They knew that Jin would never suspect you of trying to prank him and that's exactly what they needed.

"All you have to do is bite down on the pasta when he moves your neck," Jimin said to you as he handed you two pieces of dry curled pasta and sat on the sofa. You nodded and began your acting, the classes you'd taken in school finally paying off. You groaned out as Jin walked through the living room and he looked at you,

"What's wrong Jagi?" You moaned as you rubbed the back of your neck, complaining that your neck had been giving you trouble all day and you didn't know what was wrong with it.

"Here, let me try and crack it for you." You hummed and he came up behind you, you looked ahead at the boys and they all smirked to each other. Jin slipped his hand to each side of your head and twisted it one way, as soon as he did you bit down harshly on the pasta and cried out,

"Fuck Jin, she said crack now snap," Jungkook said getting up from the sofa and looking at you, you were hiding your face in your hands as you laughed but it sounded more like a cry.

"Baby, are you okay?! I didn't think it would hurt that much?! Jungkook call an ambulance." He was panicking and you were starting to lose the ability to breath as the others started to join in laughing with you. Jin dropped his hands that were holding onto your waist protectively and he stared at you with a straight face,

"Jin baby it's just a joke." You giggled as he shook his head at you and noticing that Tae was in the corner of the room recording you both,

"Your face was priceless." He chuckled reviewing the video in front of you and Jin, Jin wasn't laughing and he wasn't laughing after it was uploaded to the group's twitter account and everyone was making gifsets of him only causing you and everyone else to find it funnier but in Jin's head he was planning the next prank, planning to include you unlike all the other times he kept you out of it.


Yoongi was sitting in his studio and you were bored so you started scrolling through your Twitter timeline to see what everyone was up to when you saw Army tagging you in videos they wanted you to do on Yoongi and you smirked as you watched them. All of them the same thing, biting down on pasta as someone cracked your back or neck and you knew you had to do this to Yoongi.

"I'm going home my back hurts baby." You told him as you got up from the sofa, kissing him on the head and leaving the studio. You knew if you were going to do this you were going to do it properly. You stopped at the shops on the way back to your shared apartment, grabbing some pasta sheets and making sure your phone was fully charged for when it was time to record his reaction.


He came home from the studio not long after you and saw you laying on the floor, chest flat against it as you looked up at him.

"My back really hurts Yoongi." You whined as you looked up at him from the floor, your phone leaning against the coffee table leg where he couldn't see it.

"Will you walk along my back to crack it?" He stared down at you and nodded, coming over to you and trying not to put all his weight onto you, not wanting to damage your back or anything but as soon as he placed one foot down and heard the pasta snap he jumped away from you dropping onto the floor next to you, to check that you were okay but you were too busy laughing at him to answer his questions.

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