You're An Interviewer

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A/N: Hope this is okay for you hun!!


To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were beyond nervous now. You'd been working for the company for one week and they decided to throw you in at the deep end to see if you could survive in their world. Being a journalist wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Now here you were standing on the red carpet of the Billboard Music Award's about to interview one of the biggest bands at the moment, said band was also one of your favourite bands and you were going to have to keep your cool around them.

"Are you ready?" The cameraman asked as BTS started walking towards you with smiles on their faces, you smiled back at each of them and you nodded at the cameraman.

"Let's do this." You told him, getting ready to interview the boys, you didn't bother with the questions that your boss had given you because they were awful.

"Hi guys, how are you enjoying tonight?" You stuttered over the words and they all smiled, going into explanations about how their nights were going and Jin noticed you. He'd seen plenty of interviewers in his time of being in BTS but none of them were like you, you looked nervous and he could see your hands shaking as you tried to keep talking to them. He kept his eye on you, mostly because he couldn't take them off you, the moment he walked over to you he couldn't stop staring at you, your smile was what drew him in first, the way it was small but as soon as they walked over it seemed genuine and true, unlike a lot of other interviewers.

"You okay?" He asked once the interview was over and the camera was down, you nodded without saying anything. Trying to manage your breathing but it wasn't working very well.

"Here, breathe with me." You stared at him as he started to breathe in deeply, holding it and then breathing back out with you. You began following along with him and the other boys looked at you both, saying nothing and continuing with their own conversations.

"How are you doing now?" You smiled up at him and nodded, finally finding words to be able to talk to him.

"Sorry, it's my first big interview, they sort of threw me to the sharks." You joked looking at him as he chuckled at your lame attempt to make him laugh,

"We aren't that scary, but I'm glad that you were our interviewer, not everyone is as nice as you were." He told you as he looked at Namjoon, they were being called along to the next interview and he looked at you sadly. He almost didn't want to move, he knew he couldn't slip you his number in any way because there were cameras everywhere,

"I'll find you again Y/n," He whispered to you just as he left you there, you stared off after him thinking you were imagining him saying that when he turned around and sent you a sly wink.


Yoongi was looking forward to your interview, mostly because he knew about you and how kind you were with everyone you met. He was walking down the Billboard Music Awards red carpet when he spotted you, you were stood interviewing someone else and all he could focus on was you. You weren't dressed up like everyone else on the carpet, you were wearing jeans and a fancy shirt unlike other female interviewers who were all dressed in giant dresses or heels they couldn't walk in.

"What can fans expect from the new album?" He heard when he zoned back into the interview they were already in but he couldn't help but keep glancing over at you, struck by how cool and calm you were being.

"Hi boys, can I offer you some water? Or something to eat before we start?" You questioned looking at each member and they all took a bottle of water from you and a cookie. From what Yoongi had read about you, you did this with everyone. You wanted everyone to be comfortable during your interviews,

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