You're A Youtuber

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A/N: Small warning, Hoseok's is suggestive


You'd been a Youtuber for years and nothing changed when you met Jin and began dating. You continued to make more content for fans but it just meant more were coming in because Army wanted to see Jin. It also meant that most of your comments were about him and him alone but you didn't mind, Youtube for you was about the fun behind making videos.

"Are you sure about this?" Jin asked as you set up the camera in the kitchen, he knew how unsure you were about putting him in videos before but you wanted to create content with him for you and your fans.

"Positive." You said as you climbed down from the side, you'd set up on a tripod in one of the cupboards to get a good view of what you and Jin were doing. Another one was set up to capture your faces and another at the back of the kitchen to capture everything else.

"Then let's do this." You smiled and nodded, turning to the cameras and then suddenly feeling nervous, you'd never filmed in front of Jin before. You'd always waited until he was gone for the day or when you did have to film in front of him, it was vlogging with no talking.

"You know you have to talk right?" You stared up at him with a blush on your cheeks and you nodded,

"You make me nervous." You told him, giggling as he playfully rolled his eyes at you.

"I'll do your intro," He pulled you out of the way of the main camera and smiled, you stood at the side arms folded across your chest as he spoke into the cameras.

"Hi! Welcome back to my channel! Today we're going to be doing something different to what we normally do, we're going to be cooking." You stared at him with an eyebrow raised as he continued, turning to you and smiling at you as you shook your head at home.

"She never cooks for me, ever!" He said dramatically as you pushed him out of the way of the camera and did your real intro.

"I have a special pain in the ass-Oop I mean I have a special guest." You joked pulling him back in front of the camera and letting him introduce himself while you got the ingredients ready.


"Jin! If you even think about throwing that over my head, you'll sleep on the sofa!" You warned him as he picked up a handful of flour, you could have sworn it was like dating the youngest member instead of the oldest, he continued walking towards you.

"Kim Seokjin!" You warned again but he smirked at you, holding his palm upwards and blowing the flour over you.

"You said not to throw it." You stared at him and then looked at the side, deciding on your choice of weapon. The cake was in the oven so you were both cleaning up,

"Don't." He said as he saw you eyeing up the eggs, you smiled at him as innocent as you could manage and then picked up an egg.

"Jin, that's the difference between me and you, I'm too mature for that." You lied but he kept his eyes on you, watching as you threw the egg into the air and caught it with your other hand.

"I'm putting them away, move." You giggled moving to the fridge and putting the rest of the eggs away, he started loading the dishwasher and you cracked the egg over his recently dyed hair, giggling as it rolled off his head and hit the floor.

"Oh, it's on!" He yelled grabbing an egg and cracking it over your head, making you let out a squeal as you ran away to the other side of the kitchen to get away from him.

"Jin! The cakes are almost done, we should stop." You tried to make him stop but he smirked at you, picking up more flour and throwing it at you.

"I hate you!" You giggled moving over to him and rubbing your floured face on his shoulder.

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