He Finishes Early [M]

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a/n: THIS IS SMUT SO IF YOU'RE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO READ PLEASE LEAVE NOW. This is literally all smut, feel free to check out my other stuff or my recommendation page....Also if you ever want to be tagged in anything I post let me know lmao


When Jin agreed to take you on tour you figured you'd be stuck on the bus all the time with the rest of the boys with next to no alone time with Jin but you were wrong about that. You had a hotel room almost every night unless you were moving to a different destination then you were on a bus or a plane but you got plenty of alone time with him, that's why you were currently pinned up against the window of your hotel room, naked on display for anyone who could see this high up at the hotel windows, you weren't sure about this at first but Jin insisted, he said it was on his bucket list of things to do with you as a couple, that and it was a major turn-on for him to be able to do this, to fuck you in public without actually being in public and keeping his reputation, no one would know it was him. It was your body pressed against the cold glass, nipples hard as a rock and leaving imprints against the fogged up glass from both of your heavy breathing combined together, all it took was him telling you he needed you and that was it, you were naked and pinned against the window. You cried out as soon as he slammed into you,

"Fuck Jin right there." You whined out, he didn't give you time to adjust to his size he just began thrusting roughly into you, pinning your face to the window and smirking.

"All those people baby and they don't know how much of a dirty girl you're being for me." You cried out at his words as he continued his rough thrusts.

"So big." You cried out again when you felt his cock rubbing at the spot inside of you that made you see the stars, everything around you was starting to turn blurry and with every thrust, you felt yourself getting closer and closer.

"I know, for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that." His hand slipped from around your neck and down to your clit, rubbing circles and chuckling as you whined out his name.

"That's it, baby, let everyone in the hotel know who's fucking you this good." He groaned as he felt you clench around him, he didn't know if it was the excitement of getting seen, or the new angle of how deep he was able to reach inside of you but it felt amazing, you moaned out his name again and he lost it, his thrusts started to become slower and he clung onto you as he filled you up, you whimpered as soon as he pulled out from you and you felt his load drip down your legs, you giggled and turned around to face him, he was panting out of breathe and a bright red colour from being embarrassed.

"Come on baby, let's go have a shower." You said with a smile on your face, taking his hand in yours and slowly leading him over to the en-suite hotel room bathroom.


You knew Yoongi had been having a rough time at work because he was coming home in the early hours of the mornings only to have two hours of sleep and leave again when he woke up. You did everything you could to help him relax but none of the usual tricks were working so you were turning to drastic measures to get him to relax. When he didn't show up at home that night you knew what you had to do, so you got changed into his favourite lacey underwear, picked out an oversized coat and headed to the studios, you found him there at his desk, lost in so much concentration he hadn't heard you come into the studio, good thing he gave you the passcode. You slipped off his headphones and bent down to whisper into his ear,

"Yoongi." You whined, dying for his attention, even if it was just for yelling at you for coming into the studio, he turned around in the chair and you helped him stand up, walking him over to the sofa and sitting him down. You smirked as he looked at you, you took off the coat and let it drop to the floor,

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