The First I Love You

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You'd gotten a call from Namjoon at around 3 am one night telling you that Jin had gotten sick, really sick and the first thing that came to your head was rushing over there to look after him but you knew Taxi drivers were going to be busy all night so you packed an overnight bag full of everything you were going to need and headed to catch the bus over to the dorms, telling Namjoon you would use your spare key to get in and for him to go and get some rest.

Jin woke up at 5 am to you placing a wet cloth on his head, putting a glass of water on the bedside table and a bucket next to the bed for him, you hadn't noticed he'd woken up because you were cleaning up the room in silence, trying not to wake him up. He watched you half asleep as you folded his clothes and left them on his desk, then turning around and checking on him.

"You're supposed to be resting." You warned, coming over and feeling the side of his neck, he was sweating which wasn't good.

"I'll get you a sheet instead of the quilt." You whispered, going over to the airing cupboard and pulling out a sheet for him to use instead of the entire quilt, you came back and he was asleep again, so you changed the covers over and went to wash the ones you removed from him.

It was a few days later until he was finally feeling back to his normal self, and you'd been staying over every night on the sofa, keeping the dorms clean, feeding the rest of the boys and making sure Jin was okay, you told Namjoon you wouldn't leave until he was okay again and he was fine with that. The meals you were cooking were just as good as Jin's, if not better, but they wouldn't tell him that.

"You're still here?" Jin asked coming into the kitchen, you'd just finished cleaning up the breakfast dishes and turned to face him, nodding and coming over to feel his forehead.

"You're feeling better?" You questioned, looking into your boyfriends' eyes and smiling, glad he was feeling better.

"Thanks to you." He whispered, bending down and laying a kiss on your lips, you smiled against his and pulled away, going to the fridge and getting some ingredients to make him some pancakes.

"Pancakes on me, the boys had some this morning so it's only fair." You added, turning on the hob and if you turned around you would see him staring at you in awe, amazed that you'd done everything for the boys and him.

"I love you." The words slipped from his mouth before he even registered them in his mind, of course, he had been thinking it for the last four days of you being there for him but he hadn't said them, neither of you had said it to each other yet, you slowly turned around on your heel and stared at him.

"I love you too." He smiled in relief and you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him.


Yoongi had been working late again and you were worried, of course, you knew his work meant everything to him but you were worried about him eating and drinking properly. He'd leave early in the morning and not get back until late at night, you understood and supported him 100% but just wished you could do something to make sure he was getting the right kind of care he needed. It was another day of no texts and you knew he was probably going to skip lunch because he wouldn't leave his studio so you took it into your own hands and made him some lunch. Making the main meal and a small dessert as a treat for him to have, packing it up into a container and heading to the studio in your car.

"Hobi, can you give this to Yoongi, I don't want to bother him." You said entering Hoseok's studio, he was sitting on his sofa eating his own lunch and nodded at you, you wrote down a quick note and stuck it to the top of the container and left it on the coffee table in front of Hoseok who was greeting you in a tight hug.

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