Hiding Abuse From Him [TW]

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A/N: PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE READING THIS POST! I just wanted to say this before anyone proceeds PLEASE READ THIS! As someone with a person history with the happenings within this post I want to say to anyone who wants to talk to me I'm always here for you if you need me. I've tried to make this as less triggering as possible and I've written this to raise awareness about it rather than indulge in it. I may write about yandere/ mafia/ obsessive relationship tendencies but I do not associate myself into that lifestyle nor do I approve of the abusive tendencies. Also please do remember that none of this is real. It is Fan Fiction meaning it is not real.

Please also know that I'm really unsure about this post and if ANYONE asks me to take it down it will be down in an instant as I know what it's like to be in this sort of situation as I said before I'm writing this because A) it was a request and B) to raise awareness about it it's not as if I'm a random account writing about it without knowing what they're doing, I have a person history with abuse and I want to write about, I do not wish to cause anyone upset.

WARNING: As stated previously this references abuse! Please do not read this if you're uncomfortable and please remember this isn't real and I tried to make this as least triggering as possible.

THERE IS NO TAGLINE ON THIS AS I DON'T WANT PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO READ THIS TO READ THIS! I WILL ONLY TAG ​ because she's read through this for me and confirmed it is okay for posting


You were getting changed into some of your boyfriends' clothes, you were staying the night for the first time in a while but you'd forgotten to bring a change clothes with you so he told you to take something from his wardrobe so you did, you grabbed one of his hoodies and some boxers you could use as a pair of shorts from him.

"Hey, I got us a movie from Jungkook he said it's good," Jin said as he walked into the bedroom, you squealed quickly pulling the hoodie down over your body and covering yourself, Jin had seen you naked before but you still didn't want him to look at you right now.

"I've seen you all before." He teased walking over to you and running his hand over your cheek, rubbing his thumb under your eye. His hands slowly started to travel to your hips and you flinched, he stepped back instantly and stared at you, you plastered on the biggest fake smile you could manage and looked around the room nervously for something to change the conversation to but he wasn't going to let this go easily, Jin smiled at you and nodded over to the bed for you both to snuggle and watch the movie together.

"You're beautiful, you know that right?" Jin said as you were cuddled up against his chest, his fingers drawing invisible patterns on your thighs, you hummed at him trying to act as though you were paying attention to the movie but you were too busy worrying about what he'd seen on you, you'd done your best to hide them so this wouldn't happen. You'd only been dating about four months, you didn't want to unload everything onto him.

"You'll always tell me if something was bothering you right?" You turned to look up at him in the eyes and nodded, which was a barefaced lie but you didn't want to bother him with this.

"Of course." You got up from the bed and looked at him.

"I'm going to have a shower." You kissed his lips and left the room, shutting the bathroom door and stripping down before stepping into the shower and letting the hot water relax your body aches.

"Hiya baby," Jin whispered, his lips kissing your neck at first you relaxed back against his touch and titled your neck to the side so he would have a better angle but then you felt his body tense up and his hands freeze as he touched your hips, shit.

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