Toxic Friends [Angst]

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A/N: Little bit of a hard-hitting subject as I've just had to cut ties with someone who was very toxic with me but I wanted to write about it and let people know it's okay to cut off people who are toxic for you



Spending your night in the hospital wasn't exactly what you wanted to do but it's what was happening, you'd gotten quite sick over the last week but you were putting off going to see a doctor because you were busy with other things, but when you passed out at work your boss and Jin rushed you to hospital where you were now sitting in bed looking at a boring TV set in front of you, Jin had gone to get something to eat for you while you waited for him, your phone was on the other side of the room going off a lot, you figured it was just friends and family wishing you a speedy recovery and left it alone.

"I got you some flavoured water and some grapes," Jin said as he came back into the room, he grabbed your phone from your pocket and brought it over for you to look through the messages, the one standing out was from your "friend." You opened it before letting out a sigh and going to reply, Jin had been reading over your shoulder.

"Why is it their problems are always catastrophic and heightened while your concerns are not important or completely minimized?" You stared up at him for a moment before going back to replying to your best friend.

"She's just in a bad place right now." You stated back to him hitting send and then locking your phone.

"Y/N...I get that she's your friend but you can't be that blind. You are in hospital because you passed out from are literally sick and in hospital and all your friend can seem to do, without wishing you to get better is, talk about how life is over because she missed one nail appointment?" You could see his point but at the same time she was one of your best friends, you were always there for her when she needed you.


"You're cancelling again?" Yoongi said down the phone to you, you looked at the clock on the wall in front of you and hummed, it was 4 am which meant you would normally wake up to face time him and catch up since you were both in different time zones right now, it was one of your favourite things to do, you would go and have breakfast at the table while he would have dinner and you would just sit and talk for hours on end, about everything that happened to you the day before and everything that had happened to him that day.

"I didn't get in till 1 am, I'm sorry baby she just kept me out." You whispered laying your head down on the pillow of your sofa and looking at the screen, he looked so sad and you wanted to cry.

"This is the fourth time she's done that this week Y/N, She knows these phone calls are important to you and yet she still forces you to stay out late." He moaned into the camera, you hummed closing your eyes and letting him rant to you, this is what you did for her when she was mad too.

"You let her walk all over you and I've had enough." Your eyes shot open and you stared at the screen, he was on paused so you knew he was doing something with his phone.

"Yoongi...what are you doing?" You questioned suddenly wide awake at the thought of him doing something.

"I'm messaging her, I've had enough. If it isn't the late nights when I'm gone it's her calling you at silly times in the morning when I'm here to tell you some bullshit story...or what about the time she showed up at the restaurant I took you to for our anniversary?!" He was back on the screen now, slightly red in the face and you felt guilty.

"She's just...she's going through some stuff right now and she needs me." He scoffed with a chuckle.

"Needs you? You mean she realised that you have other priorities besides her and she hates it." You looked down at your hands and then back to him, he was right. Of course, he was, he was always right.

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