You're Sick And Another Member Notices

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You weren't the one to complain when you got sick, you would suffer in silence and wait for it to go away, there was no use complaining about something that no one could do anything about but that was until now, you hadn't left your bed in two days, you told Jin over the phone you were busy with work and that's why you couldn't come and see him at practice, or in the studio or at the dorms. You promised you'd be round as soon as work calmed down. You didn't want to bother him with a silly sickness bug you'd caught, it was nothing and you were going to rest up until it went away.


"Y/N! I'm here for Jin's hoodie, the pink one!" You didn't even move when you heard Namjoon calling your name, you just rolled over in the bed to check the time on the small clock.

"'s 5 am why are you here?" You groaned as he opened the bedroom door, he stared at you as you laid there.

"You okay?!" His voice full of concern, he rushed to your side of the bed feeling your forehead and trying to pull the covers off you, you were dripping in sweat but you felt so cold in yourself.

"Joon it's freezing, leave me alone." You whimpered trying to fight for the covers but failing because you felt so weak, you just laid your head back down and he ran off into the en-suite, coming back a few seconds later holding the first aid box, he pulled out the thermometer and put it under your arm.

"How long have you been like this?!" He questioned going to get a cold flannel and some water, coming back and trying to cool you off, you stayed silent.

"I don't know, two days? I told Jin two days ago I would be round later." You whispered trying to push the flannel off your head but he kept it there.

"Y/N...That was four days ago, have you drank anything? Eaten?" He was panicking now and you could tell, you frowned shaking your head.

"I can't keep anything down." He took out his phone, you presumed he was trying to call Jin and let him know what was going on.

"Hi, yes I need an ambulance please, right away...." He went on telling them the address while you tried to stop him,

"No, no hospitals please, Joon I'm fine." He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and then poked your side gently and you screamed out in agony, it felt as though he'd sucker-punched you in the side.

"Yeah I think my friend might be having kidney failure, her lips have a blue tint, she's not eating or drinking, the temperature is abnormal, thank you." He hung up and then dialled for Jin,

"Jin I'm going to take her to the hospital,, meet us there, an ambulance is coming, they said five minutes...yes, okay I'll tell her." He hung up and helped you sit up in the bed.

"Jin said he loves you and when you're better he's going to kill you for lying to him." You let out a soft giggle before laying your head down on Namjoon's shoulder, you wanted to just sleep in the bed.

"Kidney failure?" You questioned as you waddled down the stairs together, he sat you down on the last one, grabbing some shoes and helping you get into them.

"Yeah, you'll be fine. They'll put you on a drip, and keep an eye on you until they go back up, could take about a week. You should have told one of us you were sick!" He ordered, you hummed closing your eyes and laying your head against the wall.

"Next time I'm sick, I'll tell you."


Yoongi had been working late again at the studios, you didn't mind, you were used to it by now. He did it a lot and you loved that he was so passionate about his job. Normally when he got so into his work he would stay over at the studio, so you would send food down for him, to be delivered by Hoseok who would come to your place to pick it up and take it with him on his way, but today was different. You slept through your three alarms, finally got up when the fourth one woke you up, you headed straight to the kitchen, taking some painkillers for the killer headache you had, and then began cooking some lunch for Yoongi.

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