Finishing On You [M]

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Jin had you bent over a desk in one of the empty studios in the BigHit building, you'd gone to the building to see him and as soon as he saw you walking through the door he knew what was on your mind. You were wearing his favourite dress and makeup so he took you right to an empty studio and began to fuck you against the door moving you because he heard someone in the hallway.

"Fuck Jin, I can't-" He slapped his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet and you whined as he continued to thrust into you not caring that someone could walk in at any moment,

"You'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know what a naughty little slut you are." He whispered in your ear, pulling out of you and turning you around. He lifted you up into his arms and pushed you against the wall,

"Do you want that? Is that why you came here in this?" He asked as he thrust up into you, the new angle making your head spin, you tried to reach out for something to grip onto but there was nothing there for you.

"Answer me," He growled lowly and you nodded dramatically,

"Yes, Yes. I don't care if someone sees us Jin, I've needed you all morning." You cried out and he smirked at you, he was happy that he could make you like this and he smirked as he saw shadows passing the glass door.

"Anyone could see you like this baby," He whispered and you shook your head truly not caring, he'd already made you cum twice and you were close to your third,

"J-Jin I'm close." Your hands rushed to his hair for something to grip onto, he groaned out loud as you tugged on his hair and you continued to clench around him your legs pulling him closer to you as he thrust roughly up into you.

"Cum for me then baby, you know you can cum when you need to." You whined out and rolled your head back against the wall as the knot in your stomach finally snapped and you clenched around him as he continued to thrust up into you, almost close to his release.

"Knees." He whispered as he pulled out of you watching as you dropped onto the floor in front of him and stuck out your tongue, you knew what he wanted.

"Such a good girl." He groaned as you stared up at him, he continued to jerk himself before he shot his load out onto your face, streams of it hitting your face and some hitting your tongue, you closed your eyes as some got into your eyes and he groaned out your name as you licked your lips.

"Fuck baby." He groaned out reaching for a box of tissues and helping you clean yourself up.


You should have expected it really, you'd been mouthy all night with Yoongi and he finally snapped as he walked you through the door of your shared apartment he pushed you down onto the floor in front of the door.

"Not even in the bedroom?" You questioned but he stayed silent slamming the front door and unbuckling his pants and pushing them down,

"I thought you knew how to treat a lady-" He gripped your chin roughly and forced you to look up at him,

"I'm so sick of your voice. Why don't you come over here and put your mouth to better use hmm?" You nodded and he let go of your chin watching as you crawled towards him and took him into your hand. You held eye contact with him as you slowly began to pump him earning a growl from him,

"No teasing bitch, take it." You giggled at him and licked his tip, slowly taking him into your mouth and pumped what you couldn't fit, he loved being inside of your mouth.

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